PTL fam! Thank u 2 everyone 4 attendin our hour of Noon Glory - TopicsExpress


PTL fam! Thank u 2 everyone 4 attendin our hour of Noon Glory service 2day. We r xcited as we r still in overflow from last nite....PRAISE GOD!! We thank GOD 4 our service on 2day n we r thankful 4 all the prayers, praise n worship on the line 2day. We were so motivated n encouraged by the openin remarks from Pastor Klara Hicks. We appreciated hearin all of the testimonies about the wrks of GOD in their lives. Pastor Bush said GOD is sufficient....he is enuf 4 me n remindin us that we have 2 take GOD out of the box n stop puttin limits on wut he can do!! AMEN!! Pastor Evangelist Debbie Freeman Winkler said that her faith has been restored thru the blessin of bein able 2 come on the line n fellowship with GODS ppl, as our prayer-line ministry has n still continues 2 touch ppls lives. We r so honord n humbled 2 b able 2 accomodate some of the worship n prayer needs of GODS is truly a blessin. in The writer herslf deliverd a mssg, NO NEED 2 HOPE: HELP IS RIGHT WHERE U STAND.....remindin everyone that hope (the things that we xpect) is the foundation that stands on our faith in GOD. The writer used reference from 2 Romans 8:24, Hebrews11:1, Psalm 39:7, Isaiah 41:10, Luke 1:37, 1Peter 1:21, Psalm 145:18. When lookin 4 help in our hour of need or when lookin 4 confirmation from GOD with regard 2 lifes ups n downs, prayers answrd, etc., kno that we dont have 2 LOOK 4 it (hope), I say stand strong in ur faith n KNO already that the confirmation, resolution n closure IS there, the answr 2 the prayer IS ALREADY there, that wutever ur xpectation....KNO N BELIEVE ALREADY, it is there. Our faith is the key 2 unlock the door(s) 2 wutever we need n desire. Hold on 2 wut is within u n remember that For we through the spirit wait 4 the hope of righteousness by faith Galatians 5:5. We r so thankful that Minister Reginald Real Love Lawson Sr. could take time out from wrk 2 come n bring us, as he calld it, a microwave meal n it wuz delightful n a tasty treat 2 our spiritual pallets!! Minister Lawson referred 2 Romans 8:24-25 in speakin on hope n faith. Our new life begins at the process of sanctification. We must maintain our faith n trust in GOD n his promises, just as we can relate 2 chldrn lookin 4ward 2 gifts on special occassions. Speakin on hope he then referrd 2 1Thessalonians 1:3, remindin us that hope is part of our faith n that we must stay grounded in our faith n believe in the fulfillmnt of all that GOD has promised us. We have 2 continue 2 hold on 2 our hope n faith....dont give in n dont give up!! Pastor Klara reminds us when takin the faith walk that his yoke is easy, but his burden is light. Know n believe that stayin in the wrd will not only increase our faith n understandin but that it will make our walk a lil easier. We have 2 push the flesh outta the way n stand up in the SPIRITUAL....JESUS!! We r so very thankful 4 Pastor Klaras overview n summation as well as the remarks n comments as they do help in knowin that we all have clarity n understandin from the mssgs GOD had 4 us on this afternoon. We thank Minister Lawson 4 our closing prayer. We r so grateful 4 our noontime worship service n we will b bck again 2nite at 9pm (EST). We pray that u will continue 2 pray 4 our pastors n ministry as well as 4 others, that u wud continue 2 pray 4 the sick n those on prayerlists but most importantly that we wud pray one 4 another. We hope also that u have been upliftd, encouraged and/or inspired by something that u heard on 2day n that u will continue 2 stand strong in ur faith walk n that u will b a blessing 2 someone 2day. Until such said time that we join again in fellowship I pray GODS blessings 4 u n I encourage u 2 stay encouraged in Jesus name....AMEN!! B Blessd!! COPYRIGHT CLH 2014
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:44:35 +0000

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