PUBLIC EDUCATION IN THIS COUNTRY AND THIS CITY IS AT RISK! And this report is the kind of dialogue that our mayor and his minions (aka aldermen who support him) dont want us to have about charter schools. Instead they are more than happy to see us divided over the issue of whether charters or district run schools educate better. That is NOT the conversation we should be having. Instead we should all be united over the fact that our school system is being turned over to private, corporate interests devoid of accountability and lacking in transparency - all the while using our public tax dollars to fatten their bottom lines. Its time we remove this mayor and the aldermen who support him and elect people who will put an end to this travesty. I strongly recommend that we establish a moratorium on any further expansion of charter schools and if elected alderman in the 49th ward I would make this one of my top priorities. FROM THE REPORT... “We expected to find a fair amount of fraud when we began this project, but we did not expect to find over $100 million in taxpayer dollars lost,” said Kyle Serrette, the director of education justice at the Center for Popular Democracy. “That’s just in 15 states. And that figure fails to capture the real harm to children. Clearly, we should hit the pause button on charter expansion until there is a better oversight system in place to protect our children and our communities.” ...the problem has its roots in a historical disconnect between the original intentions that launched the charter school movement and the commercial forces that have overtaken it since...Lawmakers created charter schools to allow educators to explore new methods and models of teaching...The goal was to incubate innovations that could then be used to improve public schools. The ability to take calculated risks with small populations of willing teachers, parents, and students was the original design...
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:08:03 +0000

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