PUBLIC INFORMATION: JEREMIAH 5:25 HYDROGEN FUEL AND THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES ( A SPECIAL REPORT ) INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELEASE BY METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES HYDROGEN from water was predicted by Jules Verne in 1874 to be the fuel of the future. During world war II, Germany used V-2 Rocket Bomb propelled by HYDROGEN. Now Dr. Jacob Higeleisen discovered that at room temperature of under atmospheric condition, DEUTERIUM ATOMS are electrolyzed naturally out of water in the form of HYDROGEN GAS. This natural phenomenal process need to expensive electric power consuming electrolysis to artificially separate HYDROGEN from OXYGEN in water. What is DEUTERIUM? Deuterium is HEAVY WATER or HYDROGEN WATER without oxygen. This is obtain from the deep trenches of the world and the worlds largest DEPOSIT OF DEUTERIUM is in the Philippines- A big deposit 868 miles long, 52 miles at widest point, and 3 miles at deepest point, replenished by nature 24 hrs a day after Deuterium traveled more than 12,000 kilometers from CENTRAL AMERICAN to the Philippines through the span of Pacific Ocean when Planet earth turns on its axis from West to East in unending perpetual motion. USES OF DEUTERIUM Deuterium is use in the production of ( HYDROGEN ) Li-Hy Fuel now used in Canada, American, Germany and some parts of Sweden to provide Fuel for cars, trucks, jet planes, etc., including solid hydrogen for Spacecrafts Challenger and Columbia. Deuterium can replaced gasoline LPG, LNG, AVEGAS etc., in powering all types of internal combustion engine. It does not emit pollutants or any harmful carbon monoxide and does not cost any environmental problem because it is in the water family as emissions are nothing but water vapor or steam. Deuterium as Hydrogen Fuel can be used for cooking, lighting, heating and as Heavy Water Fuel for Reactors in electric power generation. Why does Deuterium electrolyze out of water in the form of in the water Hydrogen gas? It is electrolyze out of water in the form of Hydrogen gas because Deuterium is CONCENTRATED HYDROGEN with element symbol H2O ( Hydrogen mass of 2 as distinguished from H2O from water ) subjected to the pressure of water mass at the ocean from depth of more than 10,000 psi pressure causes the oxygen in water to this disengage, separate and escape naturally from hydrogen bound leaving only hydrogen isotopes forming Deuterium under pressure. And Deuterium under pressure, when exposed to room temperature or atmospheric condition form in the same manner the LPG ( Liquified Petroleum Gas ) and LNG ( Liquified Natural Gas ) in Liquid state transform into gas after fusion process with at the atmosphere the moment LPG and LNG tank valves are turned on or opened by taking out impurities from Deuterium. Ly-Hy Fuel is produce by special simple process at very very low cost known to his proponent and his associate. Cheap Hydrogen will reactivate all idled Hydrogen Based Industries Internally affected by high petroleum costs and this will boost food, chemically and metal industries worldwide. PROPOSAL TO THE PHILIPPINES AND FOREIGN INVESTORS Through intensive research development, oceanographic data processes with foreign associates, the proponent discovered the combined Hydrogen exits only about one centimeter thick from in every 3,000 meters deep of water masses at the ocean floor. Because Deuterium more than twice the weight of ordinary water, it sink and in the process. Oxygen separate naturally from hydrogen when the pressure becomes about 10,000 psi or more. The usual ocean floor depths ranges between 2,000 meters to 3,000 meters. With the Philippine Trench at 7,000 meters to 10,500 meters deep. Deuterium is naturally trapped through the area untapped by man through this day, replenished by nature through the North Equatorial Current Tidal Flow from more than 12,000 kilometers away in Central American to the Philippine hitting the Philippine Trench DIRECTLY PERPENDICULAR. The one and only Trench with the widest and longest resource flow of Deuterium in the Whole World. This proponent presented in March 1986 the Deuterium Project to the Philippine and American Government in his desire to help the people of the Philippines and its Government, by introducing an internationally accepted production sharing scheme. This is the 40/40/20 production sharing scheme. 40% goes to daily production revenue goes to the government, 40% goes to the investors, 20% is retained or set aside to cover the cost of securities, operation, management, administration, salaries and wages, materials, supplies, repairs and maintenance and other operation costs. The Philippine Government would not put in any investment funds but the following: 1. Land and Export Processing Zone or EPSA 2. Tax and Duty Free Operation and 3. Security of Investment with Government Guarantee. There are several lands, belonging to the Government along the areas of proposed sites. The Law on Export Processing Zone can be used to declare selected site of EPSA; the law providing a built-in Tax and Duty Free arrangement with the government. The Security of Investment are provided for by the Omnibus Investment Act, the Investment Law, the Constitution of the Philippines ( Next, Present, and Proposed ) guarantee the Constitutional Right to Properties and Due Process, including just compensation. The Government Must Guarantee enforcement of these laws. Foreign Investors have been informed that all funds would have to be provided by them on the following items: 1. Funds for Research and Development 2. Mobilization Cost and Recruitment 3. Engineering Development and Construction Cost 4. Equipment, Pumping, Storage, Loading facilities and other industrial project cost. The 20% production sharing revenue would be set aside and be used for Security, Management, Administration, Salaries and Wages, materials, supplies, transportation and housing, personnel, food, medical supplies, and other operational costs in order to preserve and not disturb the 40% production revenue sharing for each of the Government and the Investors shares. By maintaining this production revenue sharing ratio, future disagreements and irritants are avoided, a built-in protection for the Government and the Investors which is strongly recommended by this proponent on the basis of the ARAMCO Experience. WHO BUYS OR SELL ALL DEUTERIUM PRODUCED? Using the ARAMCO Experience since the 1950s for rapid development, the foreign investors shall have the first option to buy or sell the daily production of Deuterium at pre-set price of US$7.00 per barrel. This would give a marketable Gas Station Retail Price of only P0.90 or US$0.45 per liter or US$0.15 per gallon of Ly-Hy Fuel from Deuterium. In effect. the investors buy, after discounting their 40% sharing or at 40% less, at only US$4.20 per barrel giving them more flexibility on their international market pricing policies. This Hydrogen Fuel gives twice the mileage economy of gasoline or LPG/LNG fed cars. Old gasoline fed cars can be converted to Ly-Hy Fuel use by utilizing the same conversion kits. Brand new cars have been made to use LPG/LNG fuel more than 64 years ago and the same car engines can use Li-Hy Fuel. In Japan and Canada, there are about 78% brand new cars running on LPG or LNG. The same brand new units can use Ly-Hy Fuel which is a more economical fuel than any other available in the international market today. And Hydrogen Fuel does not emit any pollutants or harmful carbon monoxide but steam or water vapor. PROPONENT AND ASSOCIATE INVESTORS This proponent conducted intensive studies on Research, Development, Philippine Investment Law, Corporation Code, organization, security, management, administration, operation, marketing including the breakthrough in Pump Technology with his associates. This breakthrough in Pump Technology will use Hydrodynamic Power in pumping Deuterium from more than 7,000 meters below sea level. The Japanese Group of Investors is compose of the top eight industrial companies which will from a consortium to undertake a 4 million barrels capacity per day of Deuterium Production. A Saudi Group visited the Philippines in September and October 1986 and was interested in a 2 million barrels daily production capacity of Deuterium. With the two top U.S. Oil Companies interested in a 6 million barrels daily production capacity, Japanese Investors in a 4 million barrels capacity and the Saudi Group in a 2 million barrels daily production capacity, the total prospective Investors interests so far receive is 12 million barrels daily production. The Philippines can supply all the requirements of the WHOLE WORLD in Deuterium as Hydrogen Fuel and as Hydrogen for Food, Chemical and Metal Industries worldwide. TRANSFER OF HIGH TECHNOLOGY Hydrogen from Deuterium is the fuel of the future available in the Philippines. This needs the transfer of High Technology in Pumping and Refining Process. The proponent has developed with an American POL Pump engineers a New breakthrough in Pump Technology using HYDRODYNAMIC POWER by employing the RAM JET IMPELLER SUCTION TECHNOLOGY in the same manner that Jet Planes use the RAM JET PROPULSION on aerodynamic power of the atmosphere to propel, heavy loaded jet from today. Storage system will use the underground tunnel. Type Tanks in lieu of the surface tank form. Loading system will use the same types as those for LPG AND LNG Systems. RULE OF THUMB INVESTMENTS Subject to the refinements of cost data, project line items and other factors, the Rule of Thumb Investment Estimate is about US$ 200,000,000.00 for every 1,000,000 barrels daily production capacity - A very much Investment/Capacity Ratio than Petroleum Production. At 12 million barrels per day capacity, the estimated total of investment is US$ 2,400,000,000.00 or US$ 2.4 billion - the single leader industrial investment in the Philippines. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES As a Feasibility Study on the Project has been started, this proponent estimates that the Deuterium Projects combined production capacity will employ no less than 350,000 personnel in international pay rates and allowances for unskilled and semi-skilled technical and professional levels from the Philippines. Less than 2,000 foreign nationals will also be employed on the transfer of technology. These type of operation is the same as those in the Middle East Petroleum Production facilities over the same pay rates and allowance: so as not to disturb international energy pricing and economy of cost. BENEFITS TO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE FILIPINO PEOPLE At 12 million barrels per day capacity priced at US$ 7.00 per barrel, this is US$ 84 million per day or US$ 30.66 billion per year, enough to wipe out all existing foreign debts of the Government in one year revenue wipe in Foreign Exchange. Public works, Private Construction, Economic and Financial booms are expected happen in the Philippines in the same manner as those which happened in the Middle East, and financial centers of the world from 1974 to 1984, with everybody earning their respective comfortable livelihood, while pricing basic prime necessities at reasonable and affordable levels. DEUTERIUM AND HYDROGEN FUEL IS THE FINAL AND LASTING. PRESS RELEASE: TEMPO NEWSPAPER 2-1-1988 3rd Bill on Deuterium Development introduce by: TEDDY C. RAMOS A bill seeking to bail out the Philippines economic woes,including the possible payment of the $28 billion foreign debt, has been filed in the House of Representative by Rep. Mario Serra Ty of the 1st district of Surigao del Sur, docketed as House Bill No. 4292, the measure if enacted into law, Ty said, creates the Deuterium Development Authority ( DDA ) to explore and utilize the natural bounty of Deuterium deposit. Ty said, he introduced the act in support of the documented and updated findings of Cesar K. Escosa, a scientific researcher who said that the Philippnes has the largest deposit of deuterium and is located where the Philippines deep. In his special report and marked ANNEX A by Ty in his bill, Escosa said, deuterium is a heavy water used in the production of liquified hydrogen fuel to provide fuel for cars, jet planes, and the solid hydrogen used in spacecraft columbia and challenger. The Philippines can supply the whole needs of the world for deuterium which Dr. Jules Verne predicted in 1874 as the Fuel of the Future. Our deuterium deposit Ty quoted Escosa, can produce more than 12,000,000 barrels daily costing $7 per barrel or $84 million a day. It is also inexhaustible unlike the fuel or gasoline produced by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) because whatever is extracted is automatically replenished as a result of the natures ocean deeps which the Philippines is bountiful, Ty said. According to Ty, the deuterium project can likewise provide 350,000 jobs to the unemployment Filipinos now numbering around 2,173,000 as of Oct. 1987. Ty said, his bill provides that after paying our debt 20% from the projected yearly income from deuterium will be set aside by the government to be divided equally among our 18 year old naturally born Filipinos. Ty said, some of his colleagues have signified their willingness to support or co-author the bill which incidentally is the 3rd bill to be filed in the lower house. Earlier Rep. Benjamin B. Bautista of Davao del Sur and Congresswoman Glenda B. Ecleo of Surigao del Norte filed two separate measure, House Bill Nos. 104 and 483 whose subject is the same deuterium. Ty urged the earlier enactment of his bill saying it is our measure that will not only bail us from economic difficulties but will also make us the richest nation in the world. GODS PROMISE AND COVENANT READ THE BIBLE: DEUTERONOMY 28:1-14 AND ISAIAH 60:1-5 DEUTERONOMYO 28:1-14 Ang mga Pagpapala 1“Kapag dininig ninyo ang tinig ni Yahweh at sinunod ang kanyang Kautusan, ibabantog niya kayo sa gitna ng mga bansa. 2Magaganap nga sa inyo ang mga pagpapalang ito kung susundin ninyo ang kanyang mga utos. 3“Kayo’y pagpapalain niya sa loob at labas ng inyong mga bayan. 4“Pagpapalain niya ang inyong mga anak, lupain, pati mga hayop. Pararamihin niya ang inyong mga baka, at iba pang mga hayop. 5“Lagi kayong magiging sagana sa pagkain, at di mawawalan ng laman ang inyong masahan ng harina. 6“Pagpapalain niya kayo sa lahat ng inyong gagawin. 7“Ang mga kaaway na magtatangkang lumaban sa inyo ay ipalulupig sa inyo ni Yahweh, lalaban sila sa inyo ngunit magkakanya-kanyang takas. 8“Pagpapalain niya ang inyong mga bangan at lahat ng inyong gagawin; pagpapalain niya kayo sa lupaing ibibigay niya sa inyo. 9“Tulad ng pangako ni Yahweh, kayo’y gagawin niyang isang bansang matatag at nakatalaga sa kanya kung susundin ninyo siya at tatalima sa kanyang mga tuntunin. 10Sa gayon makikita ng lahat ng bansa na kayo’y kanyang bayan, at matatakot sila sa inyo. 11Pasasaganain niya kayo sa lahat ng bagay pagdating ninyo sa lupaing ibibigay niya sa inyo. Pararamihin niya ang inyong anak, at mga hayop, at pasasaganain ang ani ng inyong bukirin. 12Bubuksan niya ang langit upang ibuhos sa inyo ang ulan sa kapanahunan. Pagpapalain nga niya kayo sa lahat ng inyong gagawin. Dahil dito, hindi kayo mangungutang. Bagkus kayo pa ang magpapahiram. 13Gagawin niya kayong pangunahin ng mga bansa, hindi tagasunod; uunlad kayo at di mabibigo kung susundin ninyong mabuti ang Kautusang ibinibigay ko sa inyo ngayon. 14Huwag ninyong lalabagin ang alinman sa sinasabi ko sa inyo. Huwag kayong lilihis sa kanan o sa kaliwa. Huwag kayong tatalikod kay Yahweh ni sasamba o maglingkod sa mga diyus-diyusan. ISAIAS 60:1-5 Ang Magiging Kadakilaan ng Jerusalem 1Bumangon ka, Jerusalem, At magliwanag na tulad ng araw. Nililiwanagan ka ng kaningningan ni Yahweh. 2Mababalot ng dilim ang ibang mga bansa; Ngunit ikaw ay liliwanagan ni Yahweh Sa pamamagitan ng kanyang kaningningan. 3Sa ningning ng iyong taglay na liwanag, Yaong mga bansa, sampu ng mga hari’y lalapit na kusa. 4Tumingin ka sa paligid At tingnan mo ang nagaganap. Ang mga anak mo’y nagtitipon na upang umuwi. Ang mga lalaki’y magmumula sa malayo, Ang mga babae’y kargang tila mga bata. 5Ang tanawing ito kung iyong mamalas, ikaw ay sisigla, Sa iyong damdami’y pawang kagalakan yaong madarama; PAGKAT ANG YAMAN NIYONG KARAGATAY IYONG MATATAMO, At ang kayamanan ng maraming bansa Ay makakamtan mo. JEREMIAS 5:25 Nahahadlangan ng inyong kasamaan ang mabubuting bagay, at dahil sa inyong kasalana’y hindi ninyo ito nakamtan.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 11:19:48 +0000

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