PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT ORGANIZING FOR A NORTHERN GOVERNOR IN CROSS RIVER STATE SEEKS VOLUNTEERS-A PROJECT OF CROSS RIVER STATE POLITICAL NETWORK, CRISPON In a recent revelation His Excellency the Governor of Cross River State, Sen. Liyel Imoke stated that his administration is wrapping up activities as their tenure comes to an end. In earlier pronouncements by the number one citizen in Cross River State he has re-iterated the fact that it is only natural that the next Governor of Cross River State emerges from the Northern Senatorial District, a political zone in the State that has never produced an elected Governor or Sole Administrator since the creation of Nigeria. Before this pronouncement by His Excellency, Cross River State Political Network, CRISPON has been at the fore front of advocacy for the emergence of a Northerner as Governor in Cross River State. It is only natural that we will work towards the achievement of this- EMERGENCE OF A NORTHERN GOVERNOR IN CROSS RIVER STATE as well as one with the basic characteristicsfor the governing of the State and one who will be a Governor for all. Therefore, it is just that the next Governor should emerge from the said district and in faith we believe we will be part of history but just like the bible puts it: "Faith without work is dead". It is this need to fulfill justice and equity, participate democratically in the affairs of our State, contribute to her growth and in exercise of our civic responsibilities and patriotism while networking to fulfill the ideals of the Cross River State Political Network, CRISPON that this notice is brought. A notice to put VOLUNTEERS TOGETHER ACROSS THE STATE to work towards the realization of the emergence of a democratically elected Governor in Cross River State. We will not stop at his or her emergence as Governor but will also contribute blue prints for the development of the State and as usual under our platform-CRISPON achieve our set objectives, goals, vision and mission statement in promotion of democracy with the State and in the Federation. The basic criteria to be part of this project are as follows: 1. YOU MUST BE A REGISTERED VOTER IN CROSS RIVER STATE(You must not be an indigene of the State to participate as long as you are registered within Cross River State you are qualified to participate). 2. YOU MUST BE READY TO MAKE SACRIFICES OF YOUR TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE (please take note!We are not sharing money on this platform but we affording opportunities for people to build up and contribute democratically). If you meet up with the above criteria and you are interested in this project, please text (07032194168)orinbox me your NAME; LOCATION and PHONE NUMBER. Extend the part of history, build your curriculum vitae and be the change! Notice for meeting will be sent soon for inauguration of committees, organization of a democratic lecture, scouting for likely candidates, keying the populace into this agenda etc. History has always been written about those who dared to do and not those that were scared to do. Join us in writing history. Signed Prince Michael Nku Abuo,JP Director General, Cross River State Political Network, CRISPON Initiator Oganizing for a Northern Governor in Cross River State Join us: CROSS RIVER STATE POLITICAL NETWORK-CRSPN https:// facebook /groups/ 222638684513805/
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 18:07:03 +0000

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