PUBLISHED AS COMMENT IN THE JoNP: journal-of-nuclear-physics/?p=841&cpage=2#comment-922148 Wladimir Guglinski Your comment is awaiting moderation. March 9th, 2014 at 7:50 AM ============================================= Joe wrote in March 7th, 2014 at 9:44 PM Wladimir, In QRT, repulsive gravitons G surround the fluxes n(o) of attractive gravitons g. This has the effect of keeping the fluxes n(o) from attracting each other and uniting, which means that G is neutralizing g (in the short distance). Since neutralization implies that G = g, how is it possible that g still has an influence beyond the short distance? ============================================= COMMENT Dear Joe, after the analysis of several questions (as the mass and charge of proton and electron, and the similarity between the structures of the neutron, neutrino, and photon), my conclusion is that there are the following particles of the aether: gravitons g(+) and g(-), G(+) and G(-) magnetons m(+) and m(-) electricitons e(+) and e(-) permeabilitons p(+) and p(-) , P(+) and P(-) . Laws of interaction forming the fields of the proton: Law 1- The body-ring of proton gyrates and induces the flux n(o) formed by gravitons g(+) with the speed c of light. It is the Principal field Sp(p) of proton. Law 2- The flux n(o) gyrates and induces a second field formed by permeabilitons p(+) and P(+). Such field formed by p(+) and P(+) is spread in the aether around the field Sp(p). This is the secondary field Sn(p) of the proton. This field Sn(p) does not gyrate, because it is an extension of the aether around the body-ring of proton, meaning that such secondary field is a portion of the aether around the proton, formed by with p(+) and P(+) excited by the rotation of the flux n(o). Law 3- The permeabilitons p(+) excited by the flux n(o) of the proton capture magnetons m(+), and so a magnetic field is formed by magnetons m(+) in the proton. Law 4- The permeabilitons P(+) excited by the flux n(o) of the proton capture electricitons e(+), and so an electric field is formed by electricitons e(+). Law 5-The intensity of excitation of the permeabilitons P(+) depends on the velocity of the rotation of the flux n(o). Law 6- The intensity of excitation of the permeabilitons p(+) does not change with the changing of the velocity of rotation of the flux n(o). Law 7- The magnetons m(+) of the proton’s magnetic field capture gravitons G(+), and so a gravity field of gravitons G(+) is formed in the aether surrounding the proton. Law 8- The interaction between two gravitons G(+) is 10^40 times weaker than the interaction between two electricitons e(+) Law 9- Two gravitons G(+) and G(-) moving in two parallel circular motion with radius R in contrary direction cancel each other their interaction with the gravitons G(+) and G(-) of the aether . A) Inertia-mass of the proton Suppose a proton is at rest in the aether. The gravitons G(+) of the proton’s field interact with the gravitons G(+) of the ether, and so the there is need a force F in order to put the proton moving with velocity v, because the force of interaction between the gravitons G(+) of the proton and the gravitons G(+) of the aether must be won. Imagine that a force F is applied on the proton. Then those gravitons G(+) of the aether are left behind the displacement of the proton, and other grávitons G(+) of the aether (in front of the motion) have interaction with the gravitons G(+) of the proton’s field. I call such phenomenon “substitution frequency” (when a graviton G(+) is abandoned and other gráviton G(+) is captured ahead the motion), and it is responsible for the Newton’s inertia Law. For the proton moving with velocity “v” there is a specific substitution frequency. If another force is applied, and the proton’s velocity increases from v to V , then the substitution frequency increases, and so the motion gets a new specific substitution frequency. For each velocity of the proton corresponds a specific subsitution frequency. The substitution frequency is responsible for the Newton’s inertia Law. But it is also responsible for the Einstein’s Law of inertia growth with the velocity, because the growth of the substitution frequency grows according to Einstein’s equation of the inertia growth. When the proton approaches the velocity of light, the substitution frequency approaches to a maximum value and the inertia of the proton tends to infinitum. . B) Electric interaction between two protons When there is overlap between the fields of two protons, there is a force of repulsion between their electricitons e(+), and so there is a Coulomb repulsion between them. . C) Gravity interaction between two protons When there is overlap between the fields of two protons, the grvitons G(+) of the two prótons have Interaction, and so there is a gravity attraction between them. As the magnitude of the attraction between two gravitons G(+) is 10^40 times weaker than the repulsion between two electricitons e(+), therefore the gravity interaction is 10^40 times weaker than the electrical interaction. . D) Why electron is less massive than the proton The electric and gravity fields of the electron are similar to the two fields of the proton, replacing the particles by their antiparticles g(-), G(-), m(-), e(-), p(-), P(-). However the body-ring of the electron is formed by quarks k and q which are less massive than the quarks up and down of the proton. Therefore the flux n(o) of the electron, formed by gravitons g(-), is weaker than the flux n(o) of gravitons g(+) in the proton (i.e., the quantity of gravitons g(-) in the flux n(o) of the electron is lower). But in another hand, the rotation of the electron’s body-ring is faster, and it gyrates with angular velocity “W” faster than the angular velocity “w” in the proton. And then we have: . D.1) Electric charge of the electron: The permeabilitons P(-) in the field of the electron are susceptible to the faster angular velocity W of the flux n(o) of gravitons g(-) which cross the body-ring of the electron (see Law 5). As consequence, in spite of the flux of gravitons g(-) is weaker in the electron, however (due to the faster angular velocity W) the field of permeabilitons P(-) induced in the electron has the same intensity as occurs in the field of permeabiltons P(+) induced in the proton. As the intensity of the field formed by P(-) in the electron is the same intensity of the field formed by P(+) in the proton, then the quantity of electricitons e(-) in the electron captured by P(-) is the same quantity of electricitons e(+) in the proton captured by P(+). That’s why the electron and the proton have the same electric charge 1,6×10^-19C, negative in the electron and positive in the proton. . D.2) Mass of the electron The permeabilitons p(-) in the field of the electron are not suscetible to the faster angular velocity W of the flux n(o) , (see Law 6). As consequence the field of permeabilitons p(-) in the electron is weaker than the field of permeabilitons p(+) in the proton (because for the proton its flux of gravitons g(+) within the flux n(o) is stronger). Thereby, as the field of permeabilitons p(-) in the electron is weaker, the field captures a lower quantity of magnetons m(-) compared with the quantity of magnetons m(+) captured in the proton. As the quantity of magnetons m(-) in the electron is lower, then it captures a lower quantity of gravitons G(-). And since the gravitons G(-) are responsible for the mass of the electron, then its mass is lower than the mass of the proton. . D.3) Gravity interaction between proton and electron When there is overlap between the fields of one proton and one electron, there is a force of atraction between the gravitons G(+) and G(-) of their fields, and it is 10^40 times weaker than the electric force of attraction due to interaction between e(+) and e(-). . The photon The photon is composed by two particles f(+) and its antiparticle f(-). The particle f(+) is formed by the agglutination of electricitons e(+), and the particle f(-) is formed by the agglutination of electricitons e(-). Gravitons G(+) are captured by magnetons m(+) of the magnetic field of the particle f(+), while gravitons G(-) are captured by the magnetons m(-) of the magnetic field of the antiparticle f(-). The particle f(+) and the antiparticle f(-) move in circular motion in contrary direction, transverse to the their displacement around the straight line center of their helical trajectory. The interactions of the gravitons G(+) and G(-) of the photon with the gravitons G(+) and G(-) of the aether are canceled due to the Law 9, and so the photon is massless, because it has no gravity interaction with the aether. . Dear Joe, it seems that now the puzzles of the elementary particles is finally solved with perfect philosophical coherence regards wlad
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 17:01:09 +0000

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