PUSILLANIMOUS GROCERIES - Number One DREICH HITS HARBOUR - NO-ONE SURPRISED!!!! After the raging storms and tempests Dahn Sahf, we here in Latheronwheel braced oorselves for the inevitable aftermath - a period of dreich. Dreich (pron. dreek) can best be described as an attitude, rather than weather. It involves moist air suspended around one like a shroud: a gentle tinkle of drizzle, skies like the great grey green greasy Limpopo River, and a general feeling of wretchedness and gloom. Which explains certain Scottish attitudes on matters like independence. But - hush ma mouf. It DOES keep the uglier Picts off the streets: and there is nothing like the Harbour on a dreich day - especially at low tide, where you can see more of the fabulous rocks. It is marvellous to enjoy the sea air you can lick from your lips, and rejoice in the knowledge that what youre looking at is a damn sight better than most TV programmes! And life goes on being fantastic........
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 09:30:05 +0000

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