PUT MITCH MCCONNELLS BULL ASIDE - WE WANT IMMIGRATION REFORM NOW! Interestingly, Mitch McConnell stated shortly after his re-election, if President Obama took Executive Authority on Immigration Reform and legally went around those political obstructionists in the Congress who fail to take action, it would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull! Oh Really? What kind of bull are they talking about? Mitch and certain other Republicans claim this would spoil the Presidents relationship and ability to work with the incoming majority. It is often said, the President must do more to reach across the aisle. Yeah right. As if he has not been reaching for the past 6 years only to get his hand bitten. In other words, they are angry this President has maintained a level of dignity and not bowed to their ever threat of obstruction, government-shut-downs, and other Tea Party acts of domestic sabotage and political terrorism. They obviously want him to jump through more hoops; roll over and play dead; scratch where he doesnt itch; laugh when there is nothing funny; and dance like Mr. Bojangles to the music of persecution, degradation and discrimination. Therefore, the President should keep standing and move forward in every area he can since it is clear, they not only want to suppress votes, but they want to suppress the Presidents performance; they want to suppress the Presidents success; they want to suppress the Presidents interests in justice and fairness; they want to suppress the Presidents constitutional strides toward womens rights, voting rights, health care for all, livable wages, LGBTQ rights, and immigrant rights. Consequently, Mitchs BULL metaphor is interesting although Mitch and the Tea Party gang are not BULLS. That would be an insult to BULLS. They are more like Jim Crows BULL CONNOR and their code words, race-baiting, obstruction and suppression tactics are nothing but BULL......! Neither the President, the people, or Gods moral universe can wait any longer. Our Latino brothers, sisters, and children and all other immigrants need and deserve fair and humane immigration reform now without further delay! So lets put Mitchs BULL aside! WE WANT IMMIGRANT RIGHTS - NOW!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 22:57:51 +0000

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