PUTTING AN UNLIKELY COALITION TOGETHER IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ISIS (ISIL) - KUDOS TO PRESIDENT OBAMA: A few weeks back when President Barack Obama said he did not have a strategy yet on how to deal with the ISIS threat, many Analyst harshly criticized this comment. Many opined that the President had become war weary, having promised to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and two years to the end of his administration, starting another war will not do his legacy any good. Others concluded that the President had run out of ideas and was playing out his frustrations in the open. But upon a closer scrutiny of the underline implication of his statement, it was glaring that strategies do not come out of Pandora boxes, rather war strategies must be diligently worked on and covertly carried out, so as not to play into the hands of the enemy. STRIKING A BALANCE BETWEEN MAKING THIS AN AMERICAN WAR AND A WAR FOR STABILITY OF THE MIDDLE EAST: President Obama chose to make this a war for the stability of the Arab Gulf with America fighting on the side of Arab partners such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar and Bahrain. In putting together this coalition, President Obama smartly avoided making this Americas war and by so doing, removed any jaundiced perception about America fighting against Islam. Rather the engagement has been elevated and in the days ahead, if there is a need to deploy ground troops, America may adopt the strategy of putting Arab boots on-ground in Syria as they are currently doing using the Peshmerga forces made up of Kurdish fighters, in Iraq. While it is too early to predict the outcome of this war, I believe that Obama has made a smarter move than the hasty way the earlier wars on Terror were prosecuted by America. Well done President Obama! Alas Al Bagdadi and his mindless ISIS fighters are on their way to extinction. https://youtube/watch?v=NN7YRypKMvo
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 18:58:59 +0000

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