PUTTING MORE FIBRE INTO YOUR LIFE Fibre is found in the cell wall - TopicsExpress


PUTTING MORE FIBRE INTO YOUR LIFE Fibre is found in the cell wall of plants. There is no fibre in animals. Dietary fibre is also known as roughage and there are different types. Cellulose: this is found in wholemeal flour, brown rice, maize, roots, tubers, fruits and vegetables. Pectins: these are found in many fruits and peels, especially citrus rinds and in vegetables and their skins. Hemicelluloses are found in oat bran, seeds, peas and beans, grains, vegetables and fruits. Mucilages are found in seeds and beans. Algal fibre is primarily obtained from seaweeds. Benefits of fibre The benefits of taking fibre in the diet are as follows: 1. The presence of fibre demands a more thorough chewing of food and slows down eating whilst causing a more rapid feeling of fullness. This leads to less likelihood of overeating. 2. A high proportion of fibre slows down the speed with which food passes from the stomach into the intestines. This is very fast in the absence of fibre and results in a sudden rise in levels of blood sugar, which in turn triggers a massive release of insulin; the result of which is a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. The consumption of adequate amounts of fibre prevents this rise and drops in sugar levels and instead smoothens out the ups and downs of blood sugar levels resulting in stability of energy provision throughout the day. In the long term this aids in the control of diabetes. 3. Fibre has the ability to absorb and hold water. The effect of this is that it helps the stomach and intestines to fill up. This filling up results in faster movement of food along the intestines, increased stool bulk, softer, larger stools and more frequent bowel action. This promotes healthy bowel function and reduces likelihood of constipation and development of haemorrhoids (piles). 4. The short duration of stay of food in the gut also means that less decomposition occurs and there is less time for carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) and other harmful substances in the foods we consume to get absorbed and to irritate the bowels. 5. High fibre foods, such as wholegrain cereal products, promote the growth of acid-loving bacteria which ferment digested food in the large bowel to produce short-chain fatty acids which have been shown to possess anti-carcer properties. 6. Soluble fibre which is plentiful in fruits and beans has the ability to bind cholesterol in the food we eat and therefore gets such cholesterol expelled in the faeces without getting absorbed into the body. 7. Wheat fibre on the other hand can bind certain toxins, such as secondary bile acids, oxidized fatty acids and cancer-causing agents, and remove them from the large bowel to a degree that has not been found with fruit and vegetable fibres. 8. Whole grains especially have been found to reduce the risk of many different types of cancers, including those of the colon, stomach other digestive tract cancers, gallbladder, bladder, kidney and breast. In the light of the above, it is highly recommended that we ensure intake of adequate amounts of fibre through the consumption of a wide variety of legumes (beans and peas), nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. E.S.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:50:45 +0000

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