PWC member Logan Bowcutt offers us a taste of a - TopicsExpress


PWC member Logan Bowcutt offers us a taste of a work-in-progress: Here is three paragraphs from my book. still in rough draft stage. His parents had died, he didn’t understand if they loved him why did they leave. The man at church said “it’s gods’ will, their time on earth was done so he called them home” Why would god do that? Didn’t he know that he needed his parents. His older brother and him were sent to live with their grandparents, he didn’t want them he wanted his parents back. At night he had nightmares about them being lost in the woods and getting eaten by bears and monsters. On the day of the funeral his grandmother dressed him in his going to church clothes, he hated it, all he could do is cry. At the church he had to stand next to the coffins that his mom and dad were laying in, they looked like they were asleep. Everyone who walked passed the coffins would stop and hug him saying how big and brave he was being. After the service everyone went outside and some strange men placed both coffins into the ground, everyone there started crying. He couldn’t figure why, they were his parents. The way he looked at it the only ones that should be allowed to cry was his brother and himself. After the graveside service they went back to his grandparents house and he was allowed to change his clothes. They ate some lunch and he went outside, once he was in the yard he took off heading back to the church. He had been standing there for almost an hour when the preacher man came up behind him and putting his hand on his shoulder said “your grandparents called me saying you were missing, I thought I’d find you here.” Anger filled the young boy, he didn’t know what to do he’d never felt like that before. The preacher man offered to say a prayer with him for his parents journey to heaven. He shook his head so the preacher said he’d take him home to his grandparents and his brother. Together they started to walk towards the mans car, getting half way there the boy stopped. When the preacher turned back to him, he ran towards the woods that stood behind the church. He could hear the preacher man calling for him but he kept running, he had a plan. The boy ran into the woods, maybe an animal would kill him. Maybe it would be the animal he seen in his nightmares that would kill him so he can be with his parents again. He ran and ran, he ran deeper into the woods. He stopped to rest for a minute, he must be miles away by now he’d been running for so long. But after a few short minutes he could hear his name being called. He recognized his brother and both grandparents, even some people from church he recognized. So he ran even deeper into the woods, he kept running until the setting sun forced him to slow down to a walk. His legs were burning and his lungs ached from the effort of getting away. Finally his legs couldn’t carry him any farther and he collapsed at the base of the biggest tree he had ever seen. It must have been the biggest tree in the world for he couldn’t see the top.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 23:55:29 +0000

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