PYRAMID THROUGH THE AGES: MONUMENT OR MIND BUILDER. Humanity will always have one thing or the other to marvel at as either a monument of history or/ and as a mystery to unravel. The Pyramids of Gizeh, Cheops a few others in Egypt, Yucatan peninsular and Teotihuacan ancient city in Mexico and El-Mirador an ancient Mayan city etc remain monuments that arose in ages past with a number of mysterious circles that surround their emergence as one of the 7 wonders of the world. To many and different peoples from different parts of the world, the pyramids would no doubt connote different meanings, appreciation and condemnation. Like the Biblical Cross, to many Jews, Hebrews and todays the Christiandom, the pyramid especially those in Egypt represent highest level of agonising servitude and slavery of a chosen race by those regarded as idolaters and infidels. We are all familiar with the biblical story of Moses in Egypt and the resultant exodus which Bob Marley and the Wailing Wailers tagged in song as Movement of the People. To an average mathematician the pyramid in its miniature form is said to be composite of a square base and 4 triangular sides. Building technologists till date marvel at how such concretes of massive sizes were lifted and configured in the manner at which the pyramids were hewed and erected. Tourists of all fancies and vogues travel in groups and droves to see the pyramids of Egypt in particular and out of such tourism are others of esoteric inclinations like the Rosicrucians who on periodic basis undertake the Egyptian tours not necessarily as mere tourism but sort of a trip with spiritual connotation and mystical content like average and ideal pilgrimage is, and should be. In Nigeria, the only inkling of pyramid in our history was the groundnut pyramid of agricultural practice in the then Northern Nigeria when sanity and serious mindedness were attributes of politics with least intonation of deceits and corruption galore as are the practises today. Son of Man used to and still till date marvel at an old advert in the Rosicrucian Digest in the early 80s asking From whence came the Power that built the Pyramids?. Hmmmm great question asking for deep thinking from minds unpolluted by racial and religious prejudices. Egypt had been the cradle of human civilisation, a conglomerate for mystics, philosophers, mathematicians, personages of repute amongst whom were Pharaoh Akhenaton, that historical personage who first came with the idea of one God, Monotheism which Moses as an initiate also propagated amongst the Jews enroute the promised land. Scriptural history told us of Abraham,, Jacob, Joseph, and the rest of them. Great philosophers like Pythagoras the Samian , Thales, Heraclitus, Socrates including our Lord Jesus the Christ who was taken to Egypt after the Exodus. The Holy Quran captured and detailed his presence in Egypt more vividly and explicitly than we have or is found in the Holy Bible. Why is Egypt and its pyramids so thick and endearing in humanitys history and evolution? The Essenes, an offshoot of the Great White Brotherhood to which John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and a host of others were associates and initiates, had their teachings in the Mystery Schools of Esoteric Wisdom in Egypt and Palestine similar to what the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC perpetrate till date. To the Rosicrucians, the Pyramids of Egypt are not only to be toured from mere perspective of tourism nor to visit the tombs of Pharaohs, but beyond this is to align thoughts in absolute humility and thus replicate God the Creator, Nature and Man the created. Thus, at the time of Vernal Equinox, the Rosicrucians worldwide, do observe and in what is called the Pyramid Fete enact the ancient rite of building the Pyramid of Ideals as would propel them to imbibe virtues that would see humanity moves further afield in the VINEYARD of God, the Creator of every living being everywhere. This Pyramid Fete or Ceremony comes as an annual ritual around the 3rd to 4th week of September of each year. This Pyramid Fete and the building of the Pyramid was re-enacted at the Cent rum Lodge, Rosicrucian Order AMORC Abuja on Saturday 20th September, 2014 and yours and only Son of Man was privileged to be part of erecting the Pyramid. Prayer is may the God of our Hearts, God of our Realisations pilot us in Light, Life and Love and Peace Profound.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:46:34 +0000

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