Pachamama Portal is an Intergalactic Shrine for Mother Earth. In - TopicsExpress


Pachamama Portal is an Intergalactic Shrine for Mother Earth. In light of the chaos and destruction that humans have caused to our beloved home, I have been gifted this glorious vision and granted by the Universe to bring to life a massive work of Healing Art for mother Gaia. This project will be an Earth Healing Vortex, and will be visited by over 60,000 people from all over the world in the course of just one week.. The intent will be to send healing Love energy around the Globe through this Surrogate Model Vortex. It will be the most powerful initiative of healing the planet this world has ever seen. It will be COLOSSAL with all these people from every region of the world sending their good energy into this portal of healing. I envision thousands of people coming and sharing their good healing energy with the world. This project is larger than any of us. As a Shaman of Sound Frequency, it is my PASSION, and life Dharma to transmit Harmonic Resonance for the sake of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. Pachamama Portals TEAM work is a fusion of Science, Metaphysics, Vortex Mathematics, and Higher Dimensional Architecture with an in depth knowledge of Ancient Alchemy, Hermetic science, and Ceremonial Magic. We bring 5th-12th dimensional technologies into physical form with the grace and aesthetics of fine art. It is my firm belief that this age is to realize the truth of the Unity of Technology and Magic, Art and Science, and Spirituality as one and the same source of true creation. Our Team has been inspired but the likes of Nikola Tesla, M.C. Escher, Dr. Wilheilm Reich, Marko Rodin, Alex Grey, Dr. Martin Luther King, John Lennon, and many others. This work is highly held as SACRED in every detail, and each piece regarded as a practice of divine inspiration. It is our JOY to share this Portal with the world, and for all whom enter it to be transformed in ways that will touch the lives of those who meet them for years to come. This ALL INCLUSIVE and interactive Art/Music Portal most certainly will be one of the greatest highlights in Burning Man history. RIGHT NOW you are ALREADY sending your good healing energy into this portal by your very participation in this project! KNOW that your Love will be the FUEL that carries this vision through to its birth on the Playa in Black Rock City, August 2014 THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR TENDER LOVING SUPPORT!! WE LOVE US. AHO!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 04:54:26 +0000

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