Packaging oUr Character Ruth 3:3-"Therefore wash yourself and - TopicsExpress


Packaging oUr Character Ruth 3:3-"Therefore wash yourself and anoint yourself, put on your best garment and go down to the threshing floor..." Ruth not only HONORED Naomi, she made herself subject to her. She LISTENED with an ear leaning toward OBEDIENCE. Ruth was TEACHABLE and Naomi was wise. Naomi UNDERSTOOD that Ruth NEEDED to win the favor of Boaz, and that the winning of favor BEGINS with an outward appearance. This is NOT the case WITH God; however, it IS the case WITH man. It SAYS in the first book of Samuel, ?Man LOOKS at the outward appearance, BUT The LORD LOOKS at the heart" ( 1 Sam. 16:7). The FACT IS that man DOES LOOK at the outward appearance. Therefore, we ARE TO DO our BEST TO REFLECT on the OUTSIDE THAT which IS ON the INSIDE. Ruth packaged herself IN TRUTH. She MADE her outward appearance MATCH her inward qualtiy. Our ACTIONS, WORDS, and DEEDS WILL EVENTUALLY EXPOSE our INWARD appearance. AGAIN, we ARE TO package ourselves HONESTLY and WITH DIGNITY. Therefore, SEEK WISE counsel and RECEIVE instruciton WITH regard to appearance. Pastor Tony Foglio
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 15:46:31 +0000

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