Padhias New Years exercise for the community As a life coach, - TopicsExpress


Padhias New Years exercise for the community As a life coach, Padhia is known for her thought provoking homework assignments she gives her clients. Here’s one she created for the community to start the new year with some traction. The end of the year is a great time to review your triumphs and growth, take a little emotional inventory, purge some old stuff and set an inspiring intention for the new year. I like to think of it as a little board meeting that I hold with myself. Here is what I evaluate: Part A. In sessions we talk a lot about how certain things are huge personal triumphs because of your story, these are things that at surface value would have no meaning to someone with a different story. What were your biggest personal triumphs this year? What actions did you take to work towards freeing yourself from suffering and moving towards a lighter, brighter existence? What did you let go of this year? What patterns did you begin to work on breaking, or break completely? What shifts do you see within yourself this year? What were the biggest lessons and revelations? What are you still carrying that you would like to let go of? Part B. I also like to look through my stuff and if there is anything that just gives me that icky ughh feeling in my stomach, I donate it to goodwill. If it’s something hard to part with, it makes it easier to tell myself that I had a turn with it and now I will let someone else enjoy it. It can be anything- an old hoodie that I had some bad memories in, and ornament that someone gave me who is no longer in my life and just subtly reminds me of unpleasantness. I just moved recently and decided to go through every single thing I owned and get rid of anything that gave me a-less-than-happy feeling. I couldn’t believe how many boxes of sadness I was holding on to! All my dogs (who have since passed away) old collars and toys, crap from my painful marriage that ended 4 years ago, my deceased mom’s ID and birth certificate, artwork that sucked but I was holding onto it to prove to myself that at one point in my life used to make a lot of art and was almost good at it. I held on to all of it so tightly all of these years because … I don’t know… what if one day I wanted to sit down and get swept away by complete sadness!?? I think I realized that somewhere I was planning a really sad day where I would be confront all of the tragedies of my life? Um, no thanks. Part of living healthy is letting go of the past and creating a present that feels good, new memories… not planning to assault myself with sadness one day in the not too distant future. Point is, it is a great time to purge. Write about anything you are letting go of any revelations it inspired. Part C. Last year was the first year I made a new year’s resolution and actually kept it every day of the year. I think because it was more of a deeper mission statement for the way I want to operate in all that I do in my life, rather than specific goals. It was: This year I will paint with brighter colors. Yes, it is a metaphor. What that meant to me was that I would do everything I was currently doing with more effort, intention, audacity, visibility, potency. This meant taking all of the ideas inside my head and actually begin putting them out into the world. This meant putting more of My Self in to my life. I heard a great quote recently- “If something is missing in your life, it is probably you.” I applied to this to my relationship, projects, writing, even purchases… everything. This statement gave me something to measure all of my actions against for the entire year and anytime I saw the opportunity to do something with more Muchness (yes, it’s an Alice in Wonderland reference) I did it. What is the intention will you set for this new year? Looking forward to hearing your answers. xo Do this New Year’s exercise with the community at theangrytherapist. Find it in The Avocado Pit Group.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:30:01 +0000

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