Pafacebook panonakidza but panombobhohwa sometimes dealing with - TopicsExpress


Pafacebook panonakidza but panombobhohwa sometimes dealing with people who just insult or defame knowing there is distance between or they can use a fake name. When some of us started writing, debating and pushing politics on facebook about 5 years ago some people said it was useless to do so. But 5 years down the line it has become clear facebook and the internet have a role to play in politics and if combined with offline politicking it can do wonders. Without facebook many of us would not have a platform to share our thoughts. Zanu PF Government is not too keen to bring critics and opponents on TV, Radio and State media so facebook and the internet is really helping to provide that alternative platform for expression of thoughts. However, facebook on its own is not enough. Sometimes facebook can mislead people to overestimate or under-estimate their popularity. The number of likes may not necessarily reflect popularity or lack of popularity. A good case example which shows that facebook alone is not enough in politics is Baba Jukwa. Baba Jukwa had the highest number of likes and comments but that failed to stop Zanu PF from emerging as the winners of the last Zimbabwe Elections. So yes facebook and the internet at large are a must have presence for any politician, political party, government or company but it needs to be partnered with offline politicking. Another thing, if you are not getting paid for time spent on facebook, then go to work or do some business or go to school. Dont waste time on facebook if you do not have another source of income outside facebook. You see some of us on facebook most of the time we have paid jobs outside politics and we have lots of internet access to use facebook. We dont get paid in politics or being on facebook. We do politics out of love for the Zimbabwe nation and the Zimbabwe people. We do it out of passion. We encourage people to work and earn a decent living not to bootlick other people for a living.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:58:36 +0000

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