Page 107 of The Present (With Religion) at - TopicsExpress


Page 107 of The Present (With Religion) at truthcontest --- I can honestly say I believe in the Bible, because I understand it. You have to know what the Bible actually says before you can say you believe in it. Right now, most people say they believe in the myth I describe on page three of this book, and not in what the Bible really says or means. What do you believe? Jesus said, “People honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. They worship me in vain, teaching the precepts and principles of men.” In other words, people talk about God, pray to God and say they believe in God, when the truth is, they do not know God or what the Bible is really saying. They cannot say they believe in something unless they know what it is. The problem is, people are stubborn and hard-headed and do not want to admit they were wrong. Religious leaders: This is especially true with religious leaders. They think, “how can I say what I was teaching was not true?” They think they will lose everything, but the opposite is true; they will get everything. They do not ever have to admit they were wrong, because they were not wrong. They did what they had to do before the apocalypse (unveiling). They told all the truth that could be seen, so they did no wrong. Now that the truth can be seen, they keep teaching basically the same thing. They just start leaving some things out like the flood, miracles, the universe being made in six days and the other obvious BS. Just start telling the myths that contain the truth. Religious leaders can stay in their positions if they can see the truth now. Paul did it: If the current leaders of the church cannot see the truth, they have to be replaced by people that do. The leaders of the church have to do what Paul did. They have to go from the worst to the best. The example of Paul is no coincidence; it shows that people can turn their lives completely around, so when church leaders do it, they just use the Paul story to show that it is not unusual and actually necessary to make the change when the truth is revealed. Religions are just going from believing to knowing. The Bible says that God rejected someone trying to enter heaven because they did not know him. It is a metaphor that tells people you have to know God, not just believe in a religion, to get into heaven. Almost no one could know until now. No one can really believe in something that does not make sense or that is not supported by the evidence. If you believe, you have to believe in what the Bible says to go to heaven. You are not going to go to heaven until you learn what it is really saying, and now you can know. Satan has been using the Bible against itself and religion to hide the truth. The ultimate deception: The Bible says (Matthew 15:8-9) that those who believe they are closest are actually the farthest away. It is referring to those currently the most devoted to religions. The devil/mind is pulling off the ultimate deception by making people think they believe in the Bible, when they really do not know what it is saying. It makes the people that are most into religion the most deceived and the devil’s slaves. They say they are Gods army, but they are actually the devils army. --- Comment here: reddit/r/truthcontest/comments/2mptbu/facebook_read_along_of_the_present_with_religion/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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