Page 2: Is it a Federal Government of the Philippines or a - TopicsExpress


Page 2: Is it a Federal Government of the Philippines or a Regionalization of the Philippines? 1. By Who? This regionalization of the country was proposed and imposed by the late former president Ferdinand E. Marcos by the Presidential decree no.742 on January 1976. 2. How many? The Philippines was divided into thirteen regions. Eventually, these 13 regions have become 16 regions as of the present time in accordance to Presidential decree of 1978. (As of these writing, the Philipines has now 17 regions.) 3. Why?: The Philippines being an Archipelago is divided not by states but by regions. This was proposed and imposed to solve the unexpected onslaughts of problems arising from the different islands of the Philippines, like the poor communication and transportation into another islands, the slow pace of economic progress and civilization from remotes areas, the slow and poor trade of commodities from island to island., the dispute from the main central government against the remotes areas of every islands of the country, the problem of preservation of Philippine cultures, and other similar sorts of problems if it will not be divided into regions. 4. Four purposes: These Philippine regions are united into four purposes: (1).to maintain the beauty of their respective regions, (2) to hasten the communication to every region, (3) good local governance of their respective regions to avoid or solve immediately problems that will arise, and (4) to reinforce unity in every region of the country. Moreover, these regions are also united to control the Philippine population to increase continually. For in them the Philippines population depends upon. The regions themselves did not possess a separate local government, with the exception of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, which has an elected regional assembly and governor. The Cordillera Administrative Region was originally intended to be autonomous (Cordillera Autonomous Region), but the failure of two plebiscites for its establishment reduced it to a regular administrative region. I also read in the internet that after EDSA I, these 17 regions except for the ARMM had no political powers of its own. However, it was not like that during the presidency of Pres. Marcos. This time, I will use my own words, because I am going to describe Pres. Marcos’ government as I remember it as an employee of the government at that time. How did regionalization operate under the late Pres. Marcos? At that time, each region had a regional center, where all the regional offices of all the executive ministries (departments) and their attached agencies are located. For example, the Ministry of Labor and Employment and the NMYC , the Ministry of Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Transportation and Communication, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Public Work and Highways, and the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) had their regional offices in the regional centers of each region.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:46:47 +0000

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