Page 274, taken from DNA in the Sands of Time (free download from - TopicsExpress


Page 274, taken from DNA in the Sands of Time (free download from the web)……. scribd/doc/86513629/DNA-in-the-Sands-ofIts Time We Recognized the Blair Governments Criminality… ____________________________________________________________ Different Way To Understand Spiritual Growth We will now relate spiritual growth, starting from the lowest level called darkness, to the smallest light bulb, increasing to a bigger and brighter light bulb (higher watt light bulb), at every level of spiritual growth, until we reach the level of the brightest light bulb, which we call Lightbody. Each light bulb represents one step in our spiritual growth. The lowest level is darkness, and this is the level of human existence on this planet in the 3rd dimension. It has been this way since the birth of the human race. It was planned to be this way by Divine Providence and was carried out by the Nefilim Gods, without their realizing its true purpose. The human race and planet earth became a 3rd dimensional school and is a place of lessons, to experience all emotions to the greatest degree possible. This could only happen when we are totally separated from Universal Consciousness, which is living in darkness. Since we were separated from Creator and needed a guiding consciousness, we developed a Separate Self Consciousness. This is a direct result of 2 strand DNA which keeps us permanently locked in Darkness. At this point in time, the greatest majority of humans are still actually living in darkness. This darkness is the absence of light, which is the absence of the knowledge of who we are. At this level, we may be happy or satisfied with life, or we may be struggling to survive. We have never really searched out what life is all about. We just go along with the flow of life. We live in darkness and the only light we have is the guidance of our Separate Self Consciousness. As we experience living as humans, we are totally driven by emotions. For many of us, we may reach a point in life, where we are no longer satisfied with the ordinary. We want to know more and we start thinking, there must be more to life than we have been told. We now start asking questions and searching. For many people the simple question of what came first, the chicken or the egg, becomes an obsession. They want to know the answer. Once the human mind is stretched, it can no longer go back to the way it was. Now it has to know more about many different things in life. Eventually, they ask these same questions about themselves. Who am I, where did I come from, how did I get here, what am I doing here and where am I going after I die? When you start asking and searching you have reached the first level which we will say is equal to a 4 watt lightbulb. This is a very low level of light and is also a very low vibration. It is the beginning of raising yourself out of the darkness of normal human existence. Many people on the planet reach this level and become content and satisfied with what they have learned. Most people stop learning at this level, for this is the level that breeds self satisfaction, since it gives a small level of meaning to life and all that seems to be happening. Most people are satisfied with the answers and accept them as truth. They come to the point of accepting, that this way of life they 275 are now living, is the way life is. There will be a large percentage of this group that is still not satisfied with the answers that they have learned. Instead of answering their questions, the knowledge they learned has created more questions. They want to know more and search even deeper. When they look up at the night sky and see all those stars, their heart tells them there is a lot more that they do not know. Their search leads them deeper through religions and different faiths and ancient knowledge. These are the ones that search out the past in order to understand the future. They are the ones who develop a thirst for knowledge, that is not satisfied by the teachings of what is available. They know there is more and keep searching ever deeper and deeper. These are the ones who awaken to the unknown and forgotten knowledge. They are not afraid to reach out and step into the unknown or the forgotten past to obtain more knowledge. These are the ones who are on the path of consciously awakening. This is the 10% of the world population that goes beyond the socially accepted limits of society and is not afraid to say that the world is missing the greater truth. These are the ones who we will now compare to the 7 watt light bulb. Out of this group will be a very small number that discover and awaken to ancient truths. They follow their hearts and are able to connect to the spiritual realms through prayer and meditation. They speak to Creator through prayer and listen to Creators voice in meditation. They listen to what is told to them and then they follow the guidance given to them, to help them awaken. They begin to make a connection to Creator that becomes more clear and understandable. As they follow this Divine inspiration, their consciousness starts to grow more and they begin to evolve. There are those in this group, that discover how to self activate their DNA. This handful of people has now opened the door for all humans, to begin the reawakening process of regaining their lost consciousness. These are the ones who are the pioneers that anchored the Ascension process into the earths grid system, so that anyone who chooses may follow. This has already happened in the late 1970s up to the beginning of the 1990s. Now other people on the planet receive this information and make it understandable in written form. This was the beginning of many spiritual techniques to help people to evolve. This has already happened in the decade of the 90s. The beginning of the awakening process is now open for everyone, who wishes to follow. These are the ones who we will now compare to the 15 watt light bulb. These are the ones who are 276 not afraid to step into the unknown. They are trying to make a connection to a higher Consciousness and now realize that there is much more that man has forgotten, or that man does not know. There is an inner knowing within these people, that there is more that needs to be accomplished. Individuals will now go on beyond established boundaries of religions and faiths and start learning new spiritual techniques. Their consciousness will evolve and it will reach a point where they will trigger changes in their DNA by their Intent. Some will activate their 2 strands into 12 strands of DNA through direct activation techniques, while others will evolve from 2 strand DNA one strand at a time, through clearing techniques. Past 12 strand DNA, you will only evolve one strand at a time. Once you evolve to 12 strands of DNA, you become connected to the Christ Consciousness, even though you may not realize it. Many spiritual techniques were brought down to the planet to meet the spiritual needs of the many. There will be those who take this work seriously and they are the ones who are now quickly evolving. Their DNA is growing, their consciousness is expanding and their spiritual vibration is rising. We will compare these people to the 25 watt light bulb. To go past this level, it is necessary to understand the past, in order to see the future. It is also necessary to come to the realization and understanding of how emotions directly affect you spiritually. You will only grow spiritually and raise your spiritual vibration in direct proportion to the effort that you put into clearing and releasing all your 3rd dimensional emotions. There is no other way.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 09:47:59 +0000

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