Pages 23-26 “O ye dear friends of Abdul-Baha!…” O ye dear - TopicsExpress


Pages 23-26 “O ye dear friends of Abdul-Baha!…” O ye dear friends of Abdul-Baha! The blessed letter indicating the election of the Spiritual Meeting was received and proved a source of joy. Thank God, the beloved of that city, in perfect unity, love and oneness, held the new election and were confirmed and strengthened to elect such holy souls as are near the divine Threshold and known by the republic of the beloved to be firm and steadfast in the Covenant. Now they (the members of Spiritual Meeting) must, in perfect spirit and fragrance, in sincerity of heart, in attraction by the fragrances of God and by the confirmations of the Holy Spirit, engage in service; in the promotion of the Word of God; the diffusion of the fragrances of God; the training of the souls; the promulgation of the most great peace. They must raise the Banner of Guidance and become the host of the Supreme Concourse. Indeed, blessed souls have been elected. When I read their names, spiritual joy was immediately realized, for, praise be to God! certain souls have appeared in that continent who are servants of the kingdom, self-sacrificing ones of the Peerless Majesty. O ye friends of mine! Illuminate the meeting with the light of the love of God, make it joyful and happy through the melody of the Kingdom of holiness, and with heavenly food and through the “Lord’s Supper” 1 confer life. Congregate in the utmost of joy and happiness and commence with this commune: O Lord of the Kingdom! Although we are assembled, yet we are Thy scattered ones; captives of Thy Shining Face. Although we are incapable, yet we anticipate the manifestation of Thy strength and ability. Although we are without capital and commodity, yet we are aided by the treasury of the Kingdom. Although we are a drop, yet we emanate from Thy sea of seas. Although we are an atom, yet we are illumined by Thy most bright Sun. O Lord! Confirm us so that each one in this gathering become a bright candle, a witness of the meeting, a caller to the Kingdom; that the world of matter become the mirror of heaven. O ye dear friends of mine! The assemblies of those regions must be connected with one another and must communicate (correspond) with each other. Even communicate with the assemblies of the East, so that this may become the means of the great unity and concord. O ye spiritual friends! Firmness (constancy) must reach a degree that if all the souls (Bahais) be destroyed by the evil wishers and there remain but one, that one singly and alone should be capable of withstanding all who live on earth, and of spreading the fragrances of holiness. Therefore, when any terrible new or calamitous tidings reach you from the land of desire (Acca), ye should not grow cold, sad, or be affected thereby. Nay, rather, ye must immediately in the utmost firmness, arise for the service of the Kingdom. This servant of the Threshold of His Majesty the eternal God, hath always been and is in danger; there hath never been a hope for rest. The utmost of his hopes is that in the arena of martyrdom the cup of grace become replete and the wine of great bounty lend the wondrous ecstasy. This is the utmost of my hopes and desires. The Tablets of Israghat, Tarazat, Bescharat, Tajaliat and Kalamat, 2 according to what is heard have been translated and printed in those regions. Hasten to become imbued with the qualifications and attributes set forth therein. And this letter 3 will close with reverential greetings, in the utmost kindliness, from me to the beloved ones and to the maid-servants of the Merciful. 1. A term synonymous with heavenly food. [ Back To Reference] 2. Ishrakat, i.e., Effulgences. Tarazat, i.e., Spiritual Ornaments. Bescharat, i.e., Glad-tidings. Tajalliat, i.e., Spiritual Splendors. Kalamat, i.e., Words of Paradise. [ Back To Reference] 3. This completes the Tablets to the House of Spirituality. [ Back To Reference]
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 05:49:44 +0000

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