Pain After Childbirth Common, Often Untreated? Vaginal - TopicsExpress


Pain After Childbirth Common, Often Untreated? Vaginal Conditions After Delivery? Why Do I Have Abdominal Pain After I Had My Baby? Postpartum Pain May Linger for Weeks After Vaginal Delivery most pregnancy-related pain relief efforts have been focused on labor and delivery or post-cesarean (C-section) pain, but pain in the genital area after a vaginal delivery has not gotten the same attention. 92% of women complained of significant pain in the area between the vulva and anus, known as the perineum, on the day after vaginal delivery. That percentage dropped to 61% and 7% seven days and six weeks after childbirth, respectively. the frequency and duration of perineal pain are related to the degree of trauma or tearing of the perineum that occurred during childbirth, or use of an episiotomy, a surgical procedure that widens the birth canal. Despite these complaints of significant pain and dysfunction, researchers say they were disturbed to find that women seldom used prescription or nonprescription pain relievers to treat their perineal pain once discharged from the hospital. Pain After Vaginal Delivery May Linger The study showed trauma to the perineum was more common among women who delivered their first child, those who had an episiotomy during vaginal delivery, and those who had an epidural for pain relief during the second stage of labor. The researchers say that on day one (the day of delivery), the women who reported trauma to the perineal were 30% more likely to report perineal pain compared with women without trauma. =Vaginal Conditions After Delivery If someone told you there would not be any short or long term vaginal changes after delivery of a baby through the vagina, I am sure you would not believe them. Anytime a 4 inch (10 cm) diameter round object goes through an opening that cannot normally stretch beyond a 2 inch (5 cm) diameter opening, there is a strong likelihood of stretching, tearing and pain afterwards. When that is added to hormonal changes after delivery with or without breast feeding, a postpartum woman can have significant vaginal pain, dryness, burning, fear of intercourse, vaginal opening looseness, and even difficulty with losing control over urination, bowel movements or holding bowel gas. =Why Do I Have Abdominal Pain After I Had My Baby? After birth a mother experiences many new aches and pains, especially in the abdomen. Most of these pains are a normal part of the healing process but it is important for new moms to closely monitor the pain to be sure they do not have an infection. Vaginal Birth After a vaginal birth, the abdomen is often sore from the work of pushing during labor. The abdominal muscle pain will subside after about a week. Cesarean Birth A cesarean birth requires that the abdomen be sliced completely open, which is extremely painful. Abdominal pain can last as long as six weeks, and the abdomen may not feel completely normal for as long as six months. Breastfeeding When a mother nurses her baby, she may notice severe abdominal pain. During nursing, the uterus contracts just as it did during labor. Nursing helps the uterus shrink back to its normal size, but it can be quite painful. Pain Relief Mild pain relievers will help most of the discomforts after birth; however, a doctor will prescribe a stronger medication if a new mother feels she needs one. Warning Signs Abdominal pain is normal after birth but some pain points to a serious issue. If a woman has vaginal discharge with a strong odor or her cesarean scar is oozing or giving off an unpleasant smell, she must see her doctor to be sure everything is healing properly.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 06:21:49 +0000

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