Pain and Fear, mental trouble and healing As a baby, we were - TopicsExpress


Pain and Fear, mental trouble and healing As a baby, we were born healed and whole. We walk in perfect healing. The bible tells us, we are created in the image of God - we bear his nature...There is no separation between us and God. Our hearts are flooded with love, and we are perfectly and completely accepted and loved. We carry Gods presence. Jesus said, that the little ones, their angels always see the faces of the Father in heaven. They live in simple trust of full provision. They live in wholeness and healing. They are in a state of worship - everything brings forth, thanksgiving, praise and worship, from within them, keeps them creative, and free. Healing is the most normal and natural thing in the world. In a healed and whole state, the mind is completely free, and not bound by anything - it is not bound by thoughts, pulling it down, and bringing the person into captivity, and condemnation. When a child heals, the body shuts down, and the mind shuts down...The body was created to heal itself. It places itself into a state of weakness, to heal. The mind ceases thoughts, to rest, and heal. Our thoughts that put us captive, keep us in a state of punishing or hurting ourselves, and we cant let go to heal. WE are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY MADE. Everything in us, is made, to become perfectly whole....Our condition is showing us, there is a problem, wanting to help us to become whole.....But we need to learn to let go, and allow it to heal. Fear and PAIN, experienced in childhood, causes us to move from this state of a receiveing heart, openess, and freedom, which is a state of healing and wholeness, into a state, where the heart reverses and closes off, to protect itself. We become traumatized. We come into fear and PAIN (e.g. trauma, or rejection).....Because the heart enters into this cycle, and the mind develops a memory, it repeats that cycle, which puts a person, into a endless cycle of repetition, in order to protect itself. It moves a person from a state, of an open heart, and mind, where it receives Gods love freely, which is a state of perfect healign and wholeness, into a state, where the heart is closed, and shuts down - a state of the hardening of the heart. This hardening causes us to close off to love, to protect ourself from harm, and it starts to cut us off, and kill us slowly...... The symptoms get more problematic in us, and we enter into depression, and into mental bondage. This condition grows to force the symptom into the open, and bring us into a place, where it can be healed, and dealt with. The body is telling us there is a problem, but it also brings us to a place where we will be healed.... Dont loose heart, even if things are out of control - the system is simply crying out for help - and there is healing at the end of the tunnel. All these cycles can be reversed. The WORLD system, is designed to put and keep us in mental bondage.... It puts us into an education system, where we move from state of peace, in our hearts, and feeling good and worship from our hearts, to live out our lives from our heads - a thinking state. Its there to disconnect us from Gods peace, and from the good feelings, of being in Christ. It pops us full of pills when we are sick to force the body from shutting down, so we can push on mentally and physically - its designed to stop the healing process. The world system is created to move from a state of peace, and love and joy, into attaching to LUST - a negative energy, which kills us.....Its created to make children lust, and HOOK them into gratifying the lust of the flesh - and put them into bondage, with the things of the world. The world system is a media controlled system to make men slaves. The world food system is and everythign is designed to CREATE addition - moving us from a state of freedom, to lust (addiction)..... The WORLD system is designed to elevate a FALSE IMAGE OF SELF - adn promote being IN.....TO create false identities - which must be maintained - all there to keep people in bondage...... THIS IS NOT WHO YOU ARE.....YOU ARE NOT WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE. If you let go off all these things, Jesus said, we can become like little children.....If we let go of judgeing the world, and everythign in it, and just let go of it all, and love, and go through a season of just observing, you will see that you are not, what is in your head.....You will see, you are not what you believe in your head. Disconnect from the thing that binds you, and connect with that, which sets you free. We become what we focus on, dont connect to the bondage. If you stop trying to do things to fit in - stop performing works, and just live, and come back to a state of thankgiving, you will return to a state, where you will see the world through the eyes of a baby.... You will see Gods glory covering the earth, as the waters cover the sea..... You will find the new creation....All things will become new. You will return to the gospel - you will reconnect to the vine. You will come back to being able to receive freely from God, as a give. You will cease from the SELF - from the EGO - the false persona you have created. When you let go, you will die to self. You will see God. Healing is the most normal and natural thing in the world - we are fearfully and wonderfully made....In returning and rest, is your salvation. We were not created to be seperated from the vine - when you let go of your self, Jesus will come to you. You will be reconnected to the vine. The kingdom of God, belongs to those who are like little children. They are free, and connected to Gods joy. All things are pure and new to them. A baby is whole, because it is accepted in the beloved, and it can receive. We are not whole, because our heart have closed. This can reverse, when we learn to open our hearts again, and let go. Its a process. When we let go, and learn to open our heart and trust, adn rest in God, we come back to grace, and we can all heal. God will work through all thing, and bring things to the front, so it can be healed and reversed, but we need to learn to see His hand is in everything. Everything is created for us to be WHOLE, and HEALED. We become healing - becuase it is Gods nature, and it becomes our nature, as we shared in Gods nature flowing through us - its awesome! YOUR PAIN, and your FEAR is your FRIEND - open your heart to it....Its revealing that you are not in a state of perfect healing, freedom, joy nad love - we are created to live, in a state of pure supernaturla excstacy, without any tryting - its supposed to be who who we are. Love yourself, and and your neighbour, into wholeness.....We actually come into the most, incredible unity, and transparency and freedom, we can ever imagine! Keep seeking, and you will find, what i am trying to share. The answer is right in front of us, we only need to see how simple it is. I was at the end of myself for much of my life - many of my friends, know the hardships i have been through, but our biggest hardship, will become our greatest gift.....Its awesome! Grace and peace to you.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 10:48:41 +0000

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