Painter,Musician,Art Teacher and everything that women - TopicsExpress


Painter,Musician,Art Teacher and everything that women like..... || Biography of Emil Nacev Kanavaro|| He was born on 16.09.1963. in the town beneath the hill Isar, Shtip. He finished primary school in his home town, showing his talent for music and art as early as then. His rebellious character and temper led him into showing and proving his inner emotionality and creativity through music and art. Perhaps this was a result of his curiosity that drove him to spend time with experienced musicians from his town who accepted him as a young talent. His first love are the drums, only a dream at the beginning but a dream coming true later with the help of some musicians who gave him an older type of drums. He had his first debut at the age of 9 before the start of a film premiere in a cinema. He climbed the stage and sang a song by Zdravko Colic in front of the crowded audience that rewarded him with a loud applause, delighted by his beautiful voice. He never forgot his first appearance on stage, as he would later say in an interview. He got his first guitar as a birthday present from his parents that he still remembers (it was dark grey) and that became an integral part of his life fascinating him still. At the same period he shows results in visual arts and receives a number of awards across Yugoslavia. Torn between music and art, at the age of 14 he left his town and enrolled a school for applied arts in Skopje but still music remained his great love. In a rented room in Skopje he was again in two minds. On one side there was his painting easel and on the other side his guitar. Shows great results in the field of art and is one of the most promising talents… His singing abilities did not just come naturally. At least 8 years he practiced his vocal for 3-4 hours a day. He has a great range of voice and easily reaches the margins of the second and the third octave. His parents gave him a gift - a record player - and he intensively began to buy records of well-known singers and groups such as Mungo Jerry, Peter Frampton, Free, Black Sabbath, Kansas, Uriah Heep, Led Zeppelin, Almans Brothers’ Band, Eric Clapton, Janis Joplin, Korni Group, Time, Dado Topic, etc. While still in secondary school he got the chance to go abroad. His great love is Venice. He drew his drawings in charcoal with his skilful hands on the bridges of Venice and visits its beautiful sights. After coming back from Italy, he enrolled the Art Academy in Skopje although his great desire was to enrol the Art Academy in Novi Sad where he served his military service as a vocalist in the JNA Center. During his studies he spent time with well-known musicians, poets, writers, and painters. He painted landscapes, still life, portraits, flowers, and sold them in the gallery “Amadeus” in order to provide for himself while studying. He listened to the advice given by his professors, although he often painted paintings that were not part of the curriculum…. His painting can still be seen in the premises of his secondary school and the Art Academy in Skopje. Travelling frequently between Skopje and Shtip, he used to listen to the songs of then famous Macedonian singers that were mostly lyrical, poetical and spoke only about love. As he could not listen only to that type of songs, he started to write his own lyrics and music introducing a new style of writing where grammar expression was not necessarily the most important feature. His texts speak about alienation, loneliness, courage, about how to get over things, roaming sometimes hungry, sometimes full…At that time he writes a new history of rock music in Macedonia. He started to sing in the group Chic that changed its name into Tri pati na den. As said by the late Vasil Kortoshev: “The texts of this group are interwoven with a thread of pessimism, a dreary line of that characterizes all songs. Although a young man, the vocalist thinks and reasons as a man who has been through a lot in his life”. During his studies he met one of the most famous Macedonian guitarists, a songwriter and singer, a man who writes music for films and theatres – Venko Serafimov. Their meeting did not happen in a club or in a café but literally in the street, and it resulted in a great cooperation. At this period, Venko already had recorded an album with the producer Vedran Bozik and the group Concord. After ten years of knowing each other, in Bodan Arsovski’s studio they recorded the song “If I could know” the author of which is Venko, and the arrangement is by Bodan Arsovski. Emil already was known as one of the best vocalists in Macedonia, proving it by recording an album with the group Tri pati na den. With his beautiful voice he brought freshness into this group and a month later they record the album “Bite me” where he is the author of a number of songs. This album was promoted with 10 recorded videos which at the time were the most expensive videos in Macedonia. The group’s style moved toward hard rock, sweet heavy metal, even blues and soul. In 1992 they recorded the song “Tanja” in the Tra-la-la studio and they performed it on the “Makfest” festival with European reputation. This song is one of the best, or perhaps even the best Macedonian ballad. “Tanja” is a hit even today on a number of radio stations. Bosko Simonovski, then the director of the Youth Center, considering them a band in expansion, offered them complete equipment that was then one of the best equipments in Yugoslavia used for live concerts and club performances. One of their best concerts was in Shtip and they had great concerts in Radovish, Kochani, and many other cities. Unfortunately, the beginning of the war and disintegration of Yugoslavia prevented them from giving concerts outside Macedonia… Emil soon became asked for by well-known Macedonian authors who wanted to work with him. He was nominated for the 12 Magnificent and on that occasion the front man and bass player of the then best Macedonian group Memorija, on TV declared that Emil Kanavaro is the new singer of Memorija. Their cooperation began but after a while for a number of reasons it ended. In an interview he stated: “In 1992 three nice things happened to me in one night. I was awarded 1st prize for the best collection of men’s shirts in the hotel “Coninental” (as in the nineties I worked as a fashion designer in “Astibo”). The same night I also received an invitation to sing for Memorija and to be a guest in the most rated night radio programme on MRT.” After leaving Memorija, disappointed with intrigues and people who were in charge of the Macedonian musical stage at the time, his restlessness and rebellious character awakened again and he left Macedonia. His favourite cities during that period were Venice, Verona, Nice, Rome, Lugano, Athens, Kamena Vurla, Wien, Bucharest, Cracow, Munich, Dubrovnik, Zurich, Trogir, Novi Sad, Kotor, etc. He himself said it was not important where he went but how he experienced the beauties of those cities from spiritual and architectonic point of view. In the course of his stay abroad, he followed the musical and artistic trends. Known as a person who could not stay at one place for long, with new energy and full of inspiration for new songs he came back to Skopje where he started singing in a famous night club. After a while, as he felt fed up with Skopje he went back to Sthip where he formed the group Baj Pas together with the guitarist of the former group Tri pati na den Slave Andonov, and with one of the best guitarist in Shtip Seljo. They recorded the song “Buffalo Bill” and with it took part at the Makfest festival in 1994. This song became a hit in Macedonia. With the same group in 1995 they participated again at Makfest with the song Kade si that got great reviews. It was a ballad for which the famous Italian song writer and singer Piero Cotto said it was a song that could rank highly even at the celebrated San Remo music festival. In 1999 he took part at the Skopje festival with the song Zaboravi na se written by Dejan Gorgievski Zene and the famous jazz key board player Ilija Pejovski who stayed in the USA for a while. As a sort of a comeback to music he recorded his 3 new songs. This was his great wish supported by his fans. It would be really a shame not to use such a specific and recognizable vocal on Macedonian musical stage for the enriching of Macedonian rock music, leaving a mark for future generations. As for visual arts, for 5 years Emil is president of the Association of artists of Shtip “Vizum” where he organizes many exhibitions. He does not neglect painting, in fact it is his profession – he is a teacher of visual arts. He paints in stages – inspirationally, and his restlessness took him to Delchevo where he worked as a teacher of visual arts in M.M.Brico high school. There he devoted himself to painting natural beauties, landscapes and flowers, as that region is very picturesque and inspirational. His paintings are made with different technological approaches and on different surfaces. He paints more paintings on canvass, frescos, murals of big dimensions on tall buildings in Skopje, Shtip and Bitola, as well as interior murals. He had two independent exhibitions in Shtip and Delchevo, a number of group exhibitions, and he also took part in several visual arts colonies. After much research, visually and technologically, he found his own style. His painting is very close to his music. He finds inspiration in the metaphysical style of painting of the beginning of the 1920s. His favourite painter is El Greco, and he is fascinated by De Kiriko’s theatrical painting. He paints on big formats, adores diffuse light that enables him to show his restlessness and emphasize what he sees in the directed light of the night, and choose his motives. His technological approach is modernistic, on borderline with hyper realistic painting. He is preparing an exhibition with which he wants, by means of his paintings honestly and primordially, to show the public and art lovers what he has been carrying inside himself for years, and to say – HERE, THIS IS WHAT I AM! At the moment Emil Nacev Kanavaro is employed in education and is finishing his postgraduate studies.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 18:04:46 +0000

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