Pakistan A terrorist State 1947 population transfer How the - TopicsExpress


Pakistan A terrorist State 1947 population transfer How the Partition of India and the creation of Pakistan gave birth to the scourge of Islamic terrorism and threatens world peace, and how Partition continues to bleed the Subcontinent every day. Introduction Mass migration during independence of India 13Sixty five years after the partition of India and the birth of Pakistan that saw a bloodbath on the plains of Punjab and the Ganges delta in Bengal, the tragedy continues to produce new victims. This time its not just in Punjab and Bengal, but right across the world. These victims and the events that led to them are the ‘Orphans of Jinnah’ and his two-nation theory that resulted into the amputation of India’s limbs. The ramifications of M. A. Jinnah’s misadventure are being felt across the globe as every day, acts of terror are committed that can be traced back to the Land of the Pure—Pakistan. War on Terror 12 years after the United States and its Western allies declared their ‘war on terror,’ there is little sign of America succeeding in its objectives or even understanding the enemy it is supposed to defeat. The effective strategy to fight malaria is to drain the swamps, not kill individual mosquitos. Unfortunately in their effort to fight the malaria of terrorism, India, NATO and the U.S. have killed thousands, including Osama Bin Laden, but have done little to drain the swamp where these jihadis breed. From Khalid Sheikh Mohammad’s 9/11 plans to the recent recruitment of jihadis in Burma, from the Toronto 18 to the London 7/7 bombings, fingerprints of Pakistan-based jihadi groups and ideologies are ubiquitous. America keeps pumping billions into the coffers of the Pakistan Army that shelters Mulla Omar and nurtures through its political establishment tens of thousands of young Muslim men willing to die to destroy the West. The question is this: Why is it primarily Pakistan among the Islamic countries of the world that provides fertile soil for the men and ideology of Islamist terrorism? Why not Turkey, Indonesia, the Palestinian Authority or even Iran? To answer this question, one has to go back to the genesis of Pakistan, its amputation from India by Britain, and its development as frontline state against communism by the U.S. Conventional wisdom and traditional scholarship dictates, Pakistan came about as a result of Muslim grievances and fear of a Hindu-majority rule in post British India. Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the All India Muslim League are given credit for tapping into this sense of victimhood that still drives much of Islamist anger around the world. However, there is more to it than meets the eye. End of World War Two On May 5, 1945, the very day Germany surrendered, Prime Minister Churchill ordered an appraisal of “the long-term policy required to safeguard the strategic interests of the British Empire in India and the Indian Ocean.” Two weeks later Churchill received the top-secret report that, among other proposals, mentioned the necessity of British presence in Northwest India (today’s Pakistan) “from which British air power could threaten Soviet military installations.” When this was brought to the attention of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s Prime Minister and the Congress, they made it clear they would not accept British bases on Indian soil. On the other hand, Muslim League leader Jinnah was amenable to such an idea. But two months later, Churchill was shockingly defeated by the Labour Party in the election, leaving the task of creating Pakistan for the sake of Western military strategic needs to the socialists. By June 1947, the decision to amputate India was announced in London. It was left to British foreign secretary Ernst Bevin to explain to his party activists why London would seek to destroy what it had built over 100 years as the “Jewel of the British Crown.” Defending the decision that would devastate the lives of millions for decades, Bevin told delegates at a Labour Party Conference that the division of India was necessary because it “would help to consolidate Britain in the Middle East.” It’s no coincidence that within a few years, the U.S. would establish an air base in Pakistan to launch its high altitude U2 spy aircraft until one day in 1960 when a U2 was shot down over Russia and Gary Powers was captured. Thus came the great divide on August 14-15, 1947. After partition, the UK handed over the baton to the US, who invested heavily into Pakistan becoming a frontline anti-communist military state. Today, the USSR is dead, but Pakistan is alive and Jinnah’s orphans have become India and America’s demon; an evil genie that successive U.S. administrations cannot put back into the bottle and no amount of Indian diplomacy can contain. The great MigrationJinnah’s Orphans This book will dwell in detail how Pakistan was created by a false ideology that had no historical or rational basis and why the supposed Land of the Pure has become the master of the game of double-speak; taking Western aid to supposedly fight the war on terrorism, yet providing shelter and funding to the same terrorists it purports to fight. The book will trace the roots of this behaviour to the tragic division of India and the monster of Islamism that morphed out of the Cold War and now haunts and hunts its own maker. Chapter Outline Chapter 1: The Bihari Camps of Bangladesh. The over one million stateless residents of Dhaka’s UN Refugee Camps whose grandparents were convinced by MA Jinnah to abandon their homes in Bihar, India and take refuge in what was then East Pakistan. Their parents sided with the Pakistan Army’s Genocide in East Pakistan in 1971 and after the creation of Bangladesh, they have lived as stateless refugees with neither India, Pakistan or Bangladesh accepting them as citizens. They are the truest inheritors of the title, Jinnah Orphans. Chapter 2: Bankrupt Britain delivers a handicapped baby-state The birth of Pakistan and the Partition of India in the wake of the Soviet expansion southwards after the end of World War II Chapter 3: Jinnah’s first military adventure: Kashmir 1947 The invasion of the State of Jammu & Kashmir by Pashtun tribesman commanded by regular Pakistan Army officers. A discussion about the developments that even today cause the region to simmer and how Pakistan’s Military-Civil Establishment uses the dispute to fan the Indian bogey and maintain its stranglehold on the country. Chapter 4: Jinnah hobnobs with the Nizam: Hyderabad Police Action 1948 With the Nizam of Hyderabad bankrolling Pakistan and refusing to join the Indian Union, India invades the princely state resulting in reprisal killings on a large scale between Hindus and Muslims Chapter 5: Jinnah orders the invasion of the State of Kalat: Balochistan 1948 The current turmoil in Balochistan can be traced back to the invasion of the State of Kalat, an independent country, by the Pakistan Army in March 1948. That action in the name of Islam and Pakistan has led to four uprisings by the Baloch and is the cause of the current guerrilla war seeking independence. Chapter 6: America adopts Pakistan as a ‘front-line’ state After Britain faces bankruptcy, it hands over the West’s ‘East of Suez’ strategic assets to the USA with Pakistan as a front-line base to ward of communist expansion southward after China too turns red. Chapter 7: Indo-Pakistan Wars and US neutrality In 1965 India and Pakistan go to war, but the USA reneges on its treaties with Pakistan, refusing to come to its side, forcing Pakistan to jump into the lap of communist China and start building the so-called Islamic Bomb. Chapter 8: The Genocide in Bangladesh in 1971 The 1970 elections in Pakistan lead to victory by the East Pakistan-based Awami League of Shaikh Mujib-ur-Rahman. The Pakistan Army and West Pakistan politicians refuse to handover power, resulting in the 1971 genocide of Bengali nationalists and the war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 with the birth of Bangladesh Chapter 9: Khalistan – Pakistan’s response to Bangladesh After its humiliating defeat in 1971, the Pakistan Establishment hits back at India by encouraging the separatist Khalistan Sikh movement. This chapter will outline the tragedy that befell India’s Punjab leading up to the Amritsar military action, the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the 1984 riots and the crackdown that followed. Chapter 10: Red Army in Afghanistan vs. US in Pakistan In the late 1970s, three regime changes in the region lay the foundation of today’s world. In Pakistan, a pro-American Islamist zealot close to the Saudis overthrows Prime Minister ZA Bhutto while in Iran the Shah is toppled by a revolution later stolen by the anti-American Shia Ayatollahs. Next-door in Kabul the government is toppled by pro-Soviet communists of Nur Tarraki, and the rest is history. Chapter 11: Pakistan goes nuclear: The Islamic Bomb A Pakistani metallurgical engineer working in The Netherlands steals blueprints of a nuclear facility and not only helps Islamabad build is nuclear Islamic bomb, but sets up an international network of nuclear merchants who sell the technology and parts to Iran, North Korea and Libya. Chapter 12: 9/11 and the Made-in-Pakistan threat Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Osama Bin Laden use Pakistan as their base to plan and execute the 9/11 plot with the logistical and ideological backing of segments of the Pakistan Army and its feared intelligence service, the ISI. That threat continues to this day as Pakistan backs the Taliban who fight the Americans both in Afghanistan and inside the USA. Chapter 13: The feared ISI and its international tentacles A study into the background and structure of the ISI and its links that stretch from Thailand’s Islamic insurgency to the Islamist groups those operate inside the USA. Chapter 14: Draining the swamps In the last chapter, the author will prescribe a strategy to neuter the jihadi monster. The chapter will identify areas the West has failed to address for fear of ‘offending’ its own Muslim populations and its relationship with the Saudis and Gulf Arab states. Be Sociable, Share By: TEREK FATAH
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:08:34 +0000

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