#Pakistan: Following the planting of the new puppet regime in - TopicsExpress


#Pakistan: Following the planting of the new puppet regime in #Afghanistan, the US sends its agent #Raheel #Sharif to meet with the collaborators before his pilgrimage to Washington this month. No doubt the discussions evolve around the efforts to dismantle the Haqqani network and the sincere Mujaheen of Afghanistan and the token ‘pull-out’ of the US troops and according to reports, the training of the Afghan Security Forces. The US has stepped up its efforts to target the Haqqani network and others through increased drone attacks from within Pakistan. Lt. Gen. Joseph Anderson, a senior commander for US forces in Afghanistan admitted when he said, “Haqqanis are fractured. They are fractured like the Taliban is. Thats based pretty much on the Pakistan [operations] in North Waziristan this entire summer-fall”. The treachery of Raheel-Nawaz government is an open secret and as far as Tthe signing of the bilateral treaty between the US and Afghanistan has defined the conditions of withdrawal though a very significant US presence will remain under the guise of assistance and security to ensure US interests are being served. The arduous task of training Afghan Security Forces in itself poses a massive question, as the failure to maintain law and order in a war torn country will be blamed for subsequent consequences. One question that arises is why would anybody in their right mind take on this responsibility? One argument being floated is that Pakistan wishes to reduce Indian influence by displacing Indian Forces which are already currently providing training support to Afghanistan. India will raise the number of ANSF members it trains each year to some 1,000 soldiers. For the first time, this training will include a group of 60 Afghan Special Forces, who will receive instruction at India’s military facilities in the Rajasthan desert. According to Afghanistan’s ambassador to India, about 350 Afghan army officers now receive annual training in India, with a total of 1,400 trained since 2003. An Indian defence spokesman said that the “focus of the training is on conduct of counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations, with special emphasis on operations in built-up areas and rural areas in a realistic environment”. This raises a number of questions as to who was it that invited India into Afghanistan and who opened the doors of Afghanistan for the Americans in the first place? Whose foreign policy has been strengthened over the years via Afghanistan? Why has Pakistan waited until now to respond to Indian influence in Afghanistan? Indian presence in Afghanistan supports its own and foreign policy and that of the US in the region as the US is very eager to develop joint operations with the Indian military. When asked whether the US was ready to seek Indian military assistance in counter-terror operations and counter-insurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Lieutenant General Benjamin R. Mixon, head of the US Army’s Pacific Command, said, “The Indian Army is a professional force and the US Army will be comfortable with it anywhere.” Pakistan’s once strong but now highly questionable relationship with the Taliban, in particularly the Haqqani network, can be further counter-weighted by the Indian-trained Security Forces of Afghanistan acting against Pakistani interests. So it isn’t just a case of the US wants to hand over the responsibility of cleaning up the mess that it has created in Afghanistan but something more sinister. Once again we see the Pakistan military leadership trying to playing the ‘double’ game with his own soldiers and the noble people of Pakistan which unfortunately again is serving the interests of the puppet master. Oh Sincere and Aware Officers of the Forces, pay heed to the hadith of Prophet SAW when He said: لاَ يُلْدَغُ الْمُؤْمِنُ مِنْ جُحْرٍ وَاحِدٍ مَرَّتَيْنِ A believer is not bitten from the same hole twice [Bukhari & Muslim]
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:58:09 +0000

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