Pakistan has no system at all, one of the few countries in the - TopicsExpress


Pakistan has no system at all, one of the few countries in the world which has declined over the years. Thank god, Imran Khan has stood up to the corrupt system, if it was not for him, in a few years time Pakistan would have gone back to the stone age, these morons would have looted everything left. Any person with a few brain cells would know what these corrupt leaders have done the past 30 years. I have lived my whole life since the age of 6 in uk. Its so stressful to see the demise of Pakistan, when you see Zardari and then Nawaz take turns to take charge to loot the country, the criteria to be a leader in Pakistan is to be corrupt have no morals, it saddens me that people of Pakistan have let it happen in the past. In the west nothing is hidden, one mistake and you take the highway, in Pakistan one can do whatever you want as long as you are powerful, what a shame. I can honestly say in England me as a British Pakistani have more rights then the indigenous of this country. As Khan has pointed out many times, they have too much to lose to walk away, all their business in Pakistan, plus they have already calculate how much they will make in corruption over the next 3 and a half years, plus they fear they might end up like Col Gadaffi did if they let go of the power. Sir mark my word this will end only in a blood bath, no other way these morons will let go. Khan has a dream just like Martin Luter king. Change has happened, people like me have taken an interest, I used to hate politics, but Khan has woken me up like he has millions of other Pakistanis across the globe. We overseas are very patriotic towards our roots. These politicians have to be held accountable for all they have done in the past, then we will have a country to be proud of, these baboons from PMLN and PPP think we are dreamers, but little do they know we dont sleep, Inshallah new Pakistan will happen in my lifetime, just hope IK is there to lead the country forward, because I fear for his life. No matter what happens in the future the history books will depict what a great leader he was and what he did for Pakistan, he woke the people of Pakistan, I would say the greatest leader of all time, even before Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Pakistan paindabad.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:31:17 +0000

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