Pakistan is going through a critical juncture in its history. Not - TopicsExpress


Pakistan is going through a critical juncture in its history. Not the first one maybe. We have seen making choices in the past. But the difference was that we decided between ethinicities , we decided between ideologies, we decided between geographies but it’s the first time where we are deciding between being a fundamentalist state or not. With all this chaos where my heart feels that we get dragged towards becoming a radicalized democracy. The only silver lining which came to us as a good news was that Gen Pervaiz Musharraf was given bails in all the cases mainly on the charges of Article 6, Lal Masjid, Bugti’s and Benazir’s death and would eventually be absolved. I am sure that Mr. Musharraf who has still not appeared in the press is strategizing on how to make his next move as I write this piece now. A commando he always has been. I am sure that what he decides in the next few hours or days would be not only critical for his political future . But let me re-iterate that it would be key for the political future of Pakistan. So lets evaluate why do I say that. In the recent elections PTI which in my view is a JI-TTP influenced party joined in the ranks by people who are looking for a third option and not necessarily radicalized has gone into power in KPK. PMLN who has also been closer to TTP Punjab at least and lets not forget LeJ or Hafiz Saeed is in the power in the center and Punjab which means the bulk of the nation is currently tilted towards parties which support the radical Islam and want to take this nation away from its centrist Islamist approach. If we include JUI-F or JI with their few seats the balance tilts more. Now the three main moderate parties like PPP, ANP and MQM who presented the secular face of Pakistan to the world are not on one front and should not be as PPP with all its credits for being a moderate party saw its leadership loot and plunder the nation and yet again in the last few years. Also, I am sure that they did not get enough support or they were reluctant to formulate steps against TTP which saw that not only international interference in Pakistan through Drones increased but also TTP power increased in the country. Unfortunately parties like PTI thrived and built their case on this indecisiveness/ corruptness of PPP. Now if PPP felt that the fire power was not on its side they should have spoken out against it. I am sure if Benazir Bhutto was alive. She would have but cant be expected from leadership within PPP whose careers are tainted. ANP is in strife after getting kicked out of KPK and MQM is under pressure as its not only under attack by radical forces in Karachi like TTP and JI but also ethnic forces where geographical turf war ensues as many could see that as the polarization increases in Karachi. The Urban and Rural Sind provinces are looking no more a myth but a reality in the near future. The delimitation of Karachi , the control war in Lyari which houses the port, the dilatation of the District South well I can see the writing on the wall. But MQM is also under pressure from the politicized security agencies. Well if there is an across the board honest operation targeting criminals its fine with every one but if the radical forces sitting at the surroundings of Karachi is ignored than question marks raise. It only shows that our security forces either are not clear how to handle Talibanization of the country or may be don’t have the mandate as PMLN sits at the center and is mild towards them. So currently the balance of this nation is tilted towards the radical Islam. Now Gen Pervaiz Musharraf as he sits in his home contemplating his next move must be having all this mind. So what would be his next move? His key focus would be. How to consolidate the people power who want a third force in the country and were duped by PTI and ended with radical forces instead; just out of frustration as being presented as the only choice? Who to trust within the political sphere and especially within his close political circle? Which types of alliances to form as he would know by now that he needs quick gains as he do not have the luxury of time on his side mainly because of the chaos in Pakistan and also because of his age? Which battle he should pick first means which issues he takes head on as he gets out? And I am sure if I would be in his place should he pursue it further or not and sit abroad and let it all cool down as people of Pakistan kept quiet on this political terrorism against him and people’s quietness was absurd when he was pushed into confinement? I am sure he must be thinking all this. I am sure he must be thinking . Is it worth it? Personally, I feel strongly that he is the leader who could bring the balance to our nation which is under strife. He can unite the moderate forces, get Army or fire power on his side, with his credentials where no cases of corruption were proved against him ; he could fight it by the horn. Also, I feel that when he ran this country through the difficult time of September 11th where we were at the danger of becoming like Afghanistan and where he bailed the country out due to his character financially, his decision making and his commitment. He is well needed for this nation. But again my personal belief only cannot get our Gen Pervaiz Musharraf in power. He would have to contemplate his next moves correctly because his options available for judgment of error is non existent. He would have to play the politics Pakistani style to come into power not for his own personal satisfaction but for the interest of Pakistan. I know for sure that the international community respects him a lot, our middle eastern friends still cherish him, even our enemies praise him. I am sure all those who brought the crooks like PPP in power , those who out of frustration voted for PTI, those who would suffer from PMLN in the future would all unite as they know that he has the demeanor and the capability to deliver. The enemies of our country who have picked up guns across the country and is fighting their own guerilla war would also know that there is some one at the center who is capable of taking action. Our army would know that there is a leader in the center who has not abused them verbally to get into power and not abused them physically and used them as a fodder in a non committed war. I am sure that Gen Pervaiz Musharraf would bring that balance to the situation and lets not forget that MQM is very warm towards him and people of Karachi who are feeling alienated and victimized for the last few years for standing by him during his power would again feel involved. So Gen Pervaiz Musharraf . Sir! Whilst you think and contemplate. You have been a commando all your life. You have always taken the bulls by the horn, you have showed sincerity towards this nation. You have presented a selfless character which only Quaid e Azam showed before you. You are needed . So get ready to serve this nation again. But please make sure that plan things with your own instincts and expedite. Your instincts have made you a leader. Forget your mistakes and if possible ask forgiveness for them where you feel necessary out of conscious. I am sure the nation would remember your good deeds and forgive. When they can forgive tyrants like Zardari? You have been a thousand times better. I am sure that soon you would be absolved of all the allegations. For taking decisions in the interest of the country . Your emergency imposed was for the right reason as you tried to stop the Tsunami of loot and plunder heading towards Pakistan and to depose a Chief Justice whose son has been found linked to corruption with a father who interestingly was oblivious. You would be absolved of the murder of Benazir Bhutto as no one can guarantee any one’s life security in this country apart from the God as you were attempted on yourself a couple of times and where these terrorists have entered into our GHQ, our air bases and broken jails . You could not have provided enough for her and she should not have gotten out of her vehicle in the first place. You would be absolved of Bugti’s death because he brought it upon himself as he fought the spirit of Pakistan but maybe we could have delayed it and avoided the attack much longer and try the reasoning a little more as he was the first Baloch leader who supported Pakisatn. And red mosque Sir, you did the right thing. Period! As what you fought that day after loosing a dozen men against armed radicals is what we as a nation are fighting today and it’s the same forces which is pushing Pakistan towards the edge. So I belief that Gen Pervaiz Musharraf would make the right decision, would make the right plan , would make the right alliances, would choose the right team and recuperate for Pakistan, its people and its army. Pakistan Zindabad!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 13:41:06 +0000

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