Pakistani issues Pakistan is facing countless challenges; so many - TopicsExpress


Pakistani issues Pakistan is facing countless challenges; so many that they have out shadowed our accomplishments. This is making us disheartened about our country’s future and we fail to see the things which are right with Pakistan. Our History Pakistan is one of the most historically rich countries in the region. Our antiquity consists of one of world’s earliest civilization, the earliest sites includes that of Mehrgarh in Balochistan, Indus Valley Civilization on the banks of Indus River, Taxila in Punjab and Mohenjo-daro in Sindh. Our land has been reined by Alexander the Great and by the Umayyad caliphs. We were part of one of the world’s most culturally rich realms, the Mughal Empire, which for a short period of time was ruled from Lahore, the glorious Badshahi Mosque, Lahore Fort and the Shalamar Gardens stand as icon of our rich past. The Tombs of Sheikh Rukn-e-Alam in Multan and Bibi Jawindi in Uch delineate the significance of Sufism in our history. All of these sites have the potential to become major tourist attractions, which can create jobs and generate revenue for the government. Diversity Ever envisage why all military authoritarians in Pakistan eventually fail and lose their command, I did, apart from their own actions we are not an easy nation to command to. We are one of the sphere’s most diverse nations. We have more Punjabi speakers then the population of France, more Pushto speakers than the population of Saudi Arabia, Sindhi by more than the population of Sri Lanka, Saraki by more than Kazakhstan, Urdu by more than of Belgium and Balochi by more than of Finaland. Apart from language, we are diverse culturally and socially, from region to region residents have different customs, traditions and values. As long as there is dissolution of authority this is an abundant advantage as we can learn from one another. People Pakistan’s biggest power is and always will be Pakistanis. Yes, we are not the most perfect people in the world but it is because of us Pakistan has enormous intact pool of talented, enthusiastic individuals with the potential to accomplish great things, some already have. With the right opportunities we can unseal this sea of talent, which could lead to prosperity and progression of us as a nation. We have thousands of undiscovered artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, athletes, scholars and leaders. Our growing population is leading to a titanic labor market which would attract foreign investment. The power and exposure of Pakistan’s youth is on a rise, the youth is more active politically than ever before it isn’t hard to find students in universities and colleges debating government policies, international affairs or political scenario. Democracy After decades of political instability, Pakistan finally seems to be growing politically. Our electoral system has become more transparent with the rise of technology. The first democratic transaction shows the sign of maturity among the politicians and confidence of people in elected system. The 18th amendment and NFC award have empowered the parliament and managed to invest in provincial autonomy. The rise of the more political powers has empowered the voters to evaluate parties on basses of performance instead of voting for the lesser of the two evils. Media The rise of media as a dynamic part of prospers Pakistan is truly noteworthy. Media has served a body to keep check on the government; it has provided constructive criticism over government actions and policies. It is because of media that numerous issues have been highlighted in the national forum and it is because of media that that a number of government corruption cases have been made public. It also deserves the credit of making Pakistanis politically conscious and giving them a platform to express their thoughts. Pakistan’s media is to a great extend at liberty, which is exceptional in third world nations like ours. There would be few more things I could list here but these are our strongest points. It’s important to be optimistic about the future, don’t get me wrong we have a lot of problems which are requirement to be fixed but we are not all in the wrong. by Shahrukh Wani
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 16:55:00 +0000

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