Paleo Diet / Isagenix and Crossfit 0 Stefanie Hatton Raya - TopicsExpress


Paleo Diet / Isagenix and Crossfit 0 Stefanie Hatton Raya February 12, 2014 Energy and Performance crossfit, Isagenix, nutrition, paleo 314524_200109613392806_183176518419449_474391_2068343892_nThis post addresses the question of how effective a paleo diet is to Crossfitters compared to Isagenix. Also can the two programs be paired successfully. Three crossfit box owners give their answers to this question. Question: Most cross-fitters tell me that Paleo Diet is the way to go. Being the owners of a crossfit box would you mind sharing with us all how Isagenix fits in with a Paleo diet. And the benefits that you have noticed in your clients using Isagenix combined with a Paleo Diet. Answers: Brett (Owner/Head Coach at Gold Coast Crossfit Box) Isagenix is paleo simplified. We have to understand that paleo times the food at the source at its highest nutrient value. However we know now that food at the source is terribly deprived of quality nutrients. So even though we think we’re doing the right by our body we aren’t actually fuelling correctly. Secondly, what I have found is when someone says paleo what they mean is high protein, high fats, low carb diet. For us normal folk, this creates a high-acidic environment for the body to work in. Where Isagenix fits in, in terms of the shakes it has a 40/30/30 macro split which fits into the daily balance but where isagenix kicks up the dirt on paleo is the way in which the undenatured whey protein is processed with active enzymes and botanicals plus fiber. The first thing we do to our food is we cook our food which ultimately starts to break down enzymes and changes the makeup of the macros. Samantha (Owner/Coach at Gold Coast Crossfit Box) Okay…my take on paleo and CrossFit as a box owner…Inside of CrossFit we focus a lot on the movements and physicality’s …….and most coaches don’t have much of a nutritional background…its easy to send our files from CrossFit HQ based on zone and paleo…because for a lot of them they aren’t focused on this part – mainly the Olympic moves or the gymnastic movements!!!!! – the physical. Paleo doesn’t fully take into consideration CrossFit at all, or fuelling your body correctly for INTENSE exercise as a whole! ….Cavemen were NOT doing CrossFit – they were not doing Olympic lifting and gymnastics movements twice a day. I hear CrossFitters say I’m 100% Paleo, I’m 80% Paleo – what on earth does this mean? – its purely fashionable to say it. How can you measure your percentage for a lifestyle that you stick to….. If you look at elite CrossFitters I can tell you for sure they ARE NOT eating paleo only- they are fuelled by healthy eating and a hell of a lot more!!!!! Isagenix is a great happy medium…awesome ORGANIC products designed for real life! Our athletes are performing at their peak now since starting Isagenix and we have been absolutely blown away by the results! Clean nutrition, but fast and effective……. We are all a little delusional and look at a plate of veggies and THINK we are eating the best…our food from its source is CrAp…..low nutrient quality, over processed, over farmed, pesticides, herbicides…it comes from our soil and our rain….it looks glossy and healthy but that’s about it! I think I’ve said before…we need 46 bowls of spinach now to have the nutrients in a bowl someone would have found 50 years ago….Everything is mass produced. Isagenix is a blend of nature and science & we know when we have a shake that we are getting top nutriton without the steamin , testing, adding exzymes and anti oxidants ourselves!!!….- the shakes would cost us a fortune to replicate and around 4 hours each to perfect – perfect fuel on the go! You can’t argue with that!!! Alec (Owner/Head Coach at Bundaberg Crossfit Box) Paleo has many failings as pointed out above. Isagenix definitely addresses a lot of these. Your question was how Isagenix and Paleo can work together (assuming the Paleo eater is open-minded or educated enough to incorporate Isagenix in their diet). I find that they go together extremely well. Our CrossFitters that take their nutrition seriously and want real results in performance and body composition only eat food that is clean and green (organic, fresh, unprocessed) as they can find. The same as any of us do if we are motivated and conscious enough to do. If you eat meat, vegetables, seeds and some nuts and fruits then that is pretty much what I call Paleo. Balance your macro nutrient intake 30/30/40 as Brett pointed out, and that’s smarter Paleo again (similar to the Zone Diet). Isagenix slips straight over the top of all that filling in the gaps that nutritionally depleted products and an incomplete or an unbalanced diet leaves behind. Our athletes that have followed “Paleo” and Isagenix have done much better than “Paleo only” people (mostly because “Paleo” people aren’t even following Paleo properly). Our Isagenix users have had amazing results too just by cleaning up their nutrition along the way. It is just a matter of showing the Paleo person the benefits of supplementing with Isagenix, which as we know, is as pure, clean and green as you can get. Not forgetting so very convenient and cost effective. I hope that helps with your question. To find out more about the Energy and Performance System follow this link: gogetlife.myisagenix/energy-and-performance
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 22:08:34 +0000

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