Palestine Does NOT Belong To The Jewish People, according to the - TopicsExpress


Palestine Does NOT Belong To The Jewish People, according to the scriptures. And it SHALL come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you [Israel] to do you good, and to multiply you; SO the Lord WILL rejoice over you to DESTROY YOU [national Israel], and to bring you to NOUGHT [AD70 anyone?]; and ye SHALL BE PLUCKED from OFF the LAND whither thou goest to possess it (AD70, for all you history buffs). - Deuteronomy 28:63 It gets worse: Now therefore, —IF— [Israel] will OBEY my voice indeed, and KEEP my covenant [by accepting the promised SEED; CHRIST], THEN [and ONLY then] ye [Israel] shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people This proves, scripturally, that the Jews do not have any legal right, or so-called eternal right to ANY LAND, according to their own scriptures (and many Jews know this and actually teach this very truth). The literal Jews of the flesh are NO LONGER Gods people. They were plucked off of the land 2,000 years ago for their disobedience (as per Deut 28:63). And, for this same disobedience, they are now NOT a peculiar treasure above all people (as per Ex 19:5-6). They (those who claim to follow the Torah) continue to violate the two above writings from their own Torah. They continue to reject the Messiah, in which their own Torah POINTED. Therefore, the modern, nationalistic state that the UN called Israel is nothing but a giant fraud.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 01:46:07 +0000

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