Palestine: The Cost of the Failure of UN, UK and US By: Madi - TopicsExpress


Palestine: The Cost of the Failure of UN, UK and US By: Madi Jobarteh It is crystal clear that the big powers of the world have failed humanity. The current crisis in Syria, Gaza and Ukraine are the evidence. US and EU on one hand, and Russia and China on the other hand have demonstrated that they do not care about the peace, stability, democracy and development of the world by the way and manner they address global issues. Together, they have all kidnaped the UN, and by extension the whole world just to manipulate, abuse and disrespect with impunity to satisfy their selfish interests. How could the US/EU stand with Israel when this Apartheid regime has embarked on a clear path of genocide and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people? Hamas is a recent creation compared to the Israeli occupation, and therefore the fact of the rockets must not be narrated as if this is the very beginning and only problem in the Palestinian Crisis. Since 1948, Israel, which is the creation of the US and UK through the UN has been used to depopulate Palestine and remove them from their land. Thus Hamas is basically the offshoot of Israel. The majority of Israelis are not indigenous to that land. These are Europeans who were herded into Palestine following the Holocaust in the 2nd Imperialist War, erroneously called World War II. But to better understand issues, it is necessary to go to the records. It was in 1917 that the British issued the Balfour Declaration in support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. In 1947, the UN approved the partition of Palestine, and the following year, 1948 the State of Israel was created. Now it is necessary to indicate where this whole idea came from. It came from a European man called Theodor Herzl. He was one of the founders of the Zionist movement and convened the first World Zionist Congress in 1897. Zionism is essentially a ‘nationalist’ (others called it racist) ideology that sought to create a homeland and to protect Jews following centuries of persecution in mainly Europe. Herzl was born in 1860 in Budapest, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but he was raised and educated in a secular German world. While Judaism played a role in his background, for much of his life he possessed only a cursory understanding of it. In 1878 Herzl’s family moved to Vienna, where Herzl attended the University of Vienna and obtain a doctorate in law in 1884. Herzl later became a journalist and while practicing in Paris he witnessed the trial of a French soldier who was a Jew and came face to face with the persecution of Jews and anti-Semitism in Europe. He later published two articles calling for the final solution of the Jewish question. His basic proposal was for Jews to leave Europe to go to Palestine as their homeland. Initially opposed by major Jewish leaders, he was able to raise awareness and support within Jewish masses leading to the creation of a Zionist movement with its first congress held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897 where he was elected as first president. He tried to meet the ottoman emperor but failed to obtain their support, but managed to meet German Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II while on a visit to the Middle East from whom he obtained support. After the First Imperialist War (erroneoulsy called WWI) Herzl obtained full support from Britain. By then the Britsh and the French had partitioned the Ottoman Empire and with Syria and Lebanon under French colonialism, the British devoured Palestine. Thus through an agency of the World Zionist Movement, deliberate efforts were funded to transport Jews from Europe to Palestine by UK. But these repatriations faced massive resistance from the Arabs leading to the first Jewish terror groups to emerge to unleash vionce on the Palestinians. With the outbreak of the Second Imperialist War (aka WWII), the urge to remove Jews from Europe bore bigger fruit with the Balfour Declaration in UK. In the book, “Milestome Documents in World History’, the Balfour Declaration was introduced thus, “The Balfour Declaration was conveyed in a letter addressed by Arthur James Balfour, the British secretary of state for foreign affairs, to Lord Walter Rothschild, a prominent member of the British Jewish community. In the letter, Balfour proclaimed that Britain would support Zionist aspirations by facilitating in Palestine the establishment of “a national home for the Jewish people.” By declaring Britain to be Zionism’s patron, Balfour’s signature completed a process begun twenty years earlier at the First Zionist Congress, held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland. It was then that a small group of Jewish leaders acted on their conviction that anti-Semitism in Europe was too deeply embedded to ever be eliminated and started canvassing political leaders in Britain and Germany especially, but also in the Ottoman Empire itself for a “charter” granting Jews the right to develop Palestine as a state of their own.” Thus through the Balfour Declaration, the UN, US and UK effectively and illegally created Israel and helped to populate Palestine with European Jews to the detriment of the indigenous people of the land. It was reported in the book, ‘Churchill By Himself; A Definitive Collection Of Quotations’ of the wartime Prime Minister of UK Winston Churchill, that, “The Arabs of Palestine had petitioned Churchill, in Cairo, to settle the borders of the Middle East, to abandon the Balfour Declaration that Britain favored a Jewish National Home in western Palestine, and to put a stop to Jewish immigration. Churchill refused, and pointed out that Britain, not the Arabs, had ensured the liberation of Palestine from the Turks”. Having created such a mess of untold proportions, these world powers refused to be held to account for the human suffering of Palestinians, rather continue to perpetuate mayhem on innocent souls while the rest of the world merely looks on with sympathy sometimes, and at other times, with vain anger but no action. The question of the Jews therefore is a European problem because of their racism and intolerance, which they are unable to solve, yet transfer it to a totally different place based on misconceived religious ideas and history. If one fully understands the history of the creation of Israel, one may therefore not find it altogether outrageous if Hamas claims the destruction of the State of Israel. While one might not support such a view now, but one will notice that this claim is coming from a very long and difficult distance. The narrative is that Europeans hated their fellow compatriots who are Jews and unable to tolerate them, these Europeans and their governments persecuted Jews in France, UK, Russia, Poland, and many other parts of Europe with the most outrageous misconduct performed by the Nazists under Hitler in Germany. Now, it is not also difficult to understand this if one knows about the story of the Roma people in Eastern Europe who are currently undergoing painful persecution at the hands of the masses of Europeans and their governments. The Roma is another group of Europeans who are hated by their fellow Europeans such that even in 2014, the French government under François Hollande had the audacity to deport Roma children from France even though these are EU citizens that must enjoy freedom of movement within the Union! People must realize that Jews are not an ethnic group or a nationality like the English or Swiss or Hungarian. Jews are adherents to Judaism, just as Muslims are believers of Islam. The ethnic group to which Jesus and Moses belonged to is Hebrew, and it is clear that Jesus or Moses was not European and they had never set foot in Europe!!! So if people in Europe embrace Judaism that does not give them any right to claim a so-called land of Jesus or Moses. Imagine Gambian Muslims seeking to displace indigenous Saudis from Mecca and Medina just because the Mandinka and Wolof people claiming to be Muslims declare Saudi Arabia their birthright? The resistance that the Palestinians are waging through such groups as Hamas is legitimate, legal and patriotic. To label Hamas a terror group is a misnomer. To give this a better perspective, imagine someone calling Mau Mau a terror organization or Dedan Kimathi a terrorist for fighting the British in Kenya? Imagine someone calling FRELIMO a terror organization or Samora Machel a terrorist for fighting the Portuguese in Mozambique? Imagine someone calling PAIGC and Amilcar Cabral terrorists for fighting to kick out the Portuguese out of Guinea Bissau? Imagine someone calling ANC or Nelson Mandela terrorists for fighting white supremacists in South Africa? Imagine someone calling SWAPO or Sam Nujoma terrorists for fighting to kick out the racist regime of Apartheid South African out of Namibia? But also imagine someone calling the Continental Army or George Washington terrorists for fighting against British Colonialism in the US in 1776? Imagine someone calling the Free French Movement or Charles de Gaulle terrorists for fighting the Nazists in France in 1940? Imagine someone calling the Jewish resisters in the Warsaw Ghetto terrorists for fighting against the Nazists in Poland in 1940? So EU, UK and US should stop the hypocrisy and disrespecting the whole world by their unenlightened narrative and selfish support for the terror regime of Israel. So what is the solution? The solution to the Jewish problem lies with Europe. That is, Europe and her people must learn to stop hating other people including their own and recognize the creation of God’s people as belonging to one humanity! Otherwise, sooner or later, the EU will cause a homeland for the Roma in another country and claim that this is based on some imaginary religion and history. Outrageous! But even if we deplore the way and manner Zionism was developed and supported by the West up to the creation of Israel, the people of Israel as Jews could have also managed this dangerous situation to the benefit of all. Already Jews have had a painful experience in their history, and one would imagine that these people would seek a final solution to their sufferings, and live in and with peace for eternity. Their leaders could have actually engaged with the Arabs and share Palestine even as one state for the development and peace of all. After all, Jews and Arabs, according to the Scriptures on both sides are cousins, hence one family. Clearly no one seeks the destruction of one’s cousins, and therefore it makes no sense that Zionist, Jewish and Israeli leaders collectively failed to recognize this fact since the first Jews were transported to Palestine from Europe. Israel is unfortunately allowing itself to be used by the US by creating a false sense of military power and superiority, yet it is clear that Israel is not in peace. At the same time, by equipping Israel to have a carte blanche to kill and maim innocent human beings, Israel and the EU/US and allies are effectively merely prolonging the suffering of the Jews. It is clear that it will take a very long time for the Jews to have peace in this world because sooner or later the Arabs will acquire the capability to get to them as they are getting to Palestine. Just see how Hamas and Hezbollah are getting stronger and better militarily every time. If this conflict goes on for the next 25 years, I am confident that Hamas will eventually acquire well-advanced and powerful drones, jets, rockets and other skills and tactics to hit at the heart of Israel. Mark my words… A solution could have also come through China or Africa or both. But unfortunately these are two giants that have distinguished themselves as the most useless, immoral and selfish entities in these trying times for humanity. China, which many looked up to promote the ideals of socialism as touted by its leaders since 1949, have instead shown that they care about nothing and nobody other than the resources which they are prepared to obtain from anywhere regardless of the situation in that particular place. China’s foreign policy is so hypocritical and selfish that it appears they care not even if the whole world is to burn and melt as long as they can get the resources they want buy any means even unnecessary. For Mother Africa, what can we say other than the fact that it is still hijacked by Black Colonialists masqueraded as African Leaders and Intellectuals who have only proved to the whole world that they are utterly incompetent and childish. For 50 years, these Africans merely failed to rule themselves properly enough, much more to empower themselves in order to play a more meaningful and positive role in the world. Imagine if we had had a United States of Africa as explained by Kwame Nkrumah that is democratic, well developed and strong. Thus China and Africa could have served as an effective counterbalance to the irrational hegemony of the US, EU and Russia and ensure a world fit for human habitation. But what about the Arabs themselves? Conducting themselves much like Africans, these Arab regimes and leaders particularly in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan have decided to sell themselves to the West in ways that beats one’s imagination. With the leverage they possess thanks to their resources, the Arab states could have solved this crisis a long time ago if they actually believed in themselves and their Faith and defend their own kind. But because of poor leadership and selfishness, Arabs have failed to see the unity that flows within the European nations to serve as a lesson for them to also come together to solve their issues. Through vain bickering, infighting, and carrying outlandish titles and dress codes, just like Africans, Arabs leaders woefully decided to hand themselves over to the West like babies to be pampered and pinged as the West likes while their own kith and kin suffer at the hands of the same West, with impunity. Whither the world…
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 03:32:41 +0000

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