Palin wants to know what Obama is doing about Ebola Zombies. - TopicsExpress


Palin wants to know what Obama is doing about Ebola Zombies. After an internet rumor stated that ebola victims in Africa were rising from the grave in the form of zombies, Sarah Palin has launched a campaign questioning President Obamas knowledge on the zombies and what he plans to do about the living dead. The ebola epidemic that has devastated parts of Africa and has placed virus screening at several U.S. airports has yet to be controlled by local and foreign governments. Over 8,500 people have died from the virus and more people continue to be infected. The White House has taken a stand against the potential pandemic and resources have been flowing to Africa to help contain the problem. Their efforts have not been enough for Palin. “It’s about leadership,” Palin told a group of her followers. “What is he hiding? Why doesn’t he admit that African Zombies are rising from the dead? The world is already aware of the zombie invasion, Mr. President. Now, tell us the truth.” Palin is currently rallying her “troops” in effort to raise awareness about the “Ebola Zombies” with detailed plans on how to kill the zombies. “The first step is bringing back to life. Then kill them normally. How else would you kill a dead person?” She is also trying to raise money to build a defense system around Alaska to keep the zombies out. “Even if the whole world gets taken over by zombies, they won’t get their dead hands on God’s land, Alaska.” After being told it was an Internet hoax by Fox News producers, she replied, “No, it’s real. I read it on several websites.” Todd Palin, defending his wife, told The Alaska Dispatch, “Those fake websites are ruining our country and should be outlawed. They are wannabe Onion writers and are not funny at all. “I can show you comments on their own articles where some people believe the same as me. I’m not making this up.” Satirical news websites have proliferated in recent years. For example, Kayfabe News, whose demographic are pro-wrestling fans, recently published “Undertaker tweets selfie at Justin Bieber concert.” Todd Palin said they found out that story wasn’t true when a friend told them. Todd Palin later continued his crusade against free speech and satire by tweeting, “People should only believe in real things like the Bible. And the Palin family fighting at a friend’s party is an internet hoax. Totally fake.” *I feel silly pointing out this is satirical.*
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 13:45:18 +0000

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