Palmer United Party to Abolish Tertiary Education Fees The federal - TopicsExpress


Palmer United Party to Abolish Tertiary Education Fees The federal leader of the Palmer United Party, Clive Palmer, says he will abolish higher education fees to remove the debt burden of getting a decent tertiary education. Mr Palmer said high tertiary education fees were deterring Australia’s smartest minds from reaching their full potential and were holding the country back. “We need Australia’s cleverest people taking themselves and this great nation forward, not burying them under a mountain of debt,’’ Mr Palmer said. “The loss of just one year’s income due to unemployment is more than the total cost of 12 years of schooling so why wouldn’t we be doing everything we can to encourage people to study and pursue their careers? “That’s why, once elected, the Palmer United Party will scrap tertiary fees and remove the need for HECS to make the dream of higher education accessible to all and show the world that Australia really is the smart country. “Good education policy is good social policy, which is good economic policy.” Mr Palmer said his party would fund the abolition of tertiary fees through a range of measures to turbo charge growth such as allowing companies to pay their tax annually instead of quarterly, effectively injecting $70 billion into the economy.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 07:10:48 +0000

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