Palmer United Party to Help Farmers Forgotten by LNP and Labor - TopicsExpress


Palmer United Party to Help Farmers Forgotten by LNP and Labor By Palmer United On January 16, 2015 Posted In Palmer United News, Qld Election News Media release The Palmer United Party is committed to providing a better deal for rural and regional Queenslanders neglected by LNP and Labor state governments, says Palmer United Party Queensland leader and candidate for Callide, John Bjelke-Petersen. Mr Bjelke-Petersen said if the Palmer United Party is elected to government on January 31 it will introduce a First Farm Grant Program to assist young Queensland farmers. He said the scheme would be similar to the First Home Owner’s Grant. “This grants program will assist young Queensland farmers who have been neglected by successive state governments,” he said. “There will also be funds made available at concessional interest rates for the first five years to help farmers develop their agriculture business. The Palmer United Party is determined to support the next generation of Queensland farmers to keep our agriculture sector productive, competitive and sustainable. “For too long Queensland’s rural sector has been ignored by city-centric LNP and Labor governments, but this will change under a Palmer United Party state government.” Mr Bjelke-Petersen said to be eligible for the First Farm Grant farmers must be aged 40 or under and be purchasing a property. The Palmer United Party has also called for the reintroduction of zonal taxation in regional Queensland to stimulate economic growth in rural areas. “Zonal taxation would provide an incentive to regional industries including farmers who form the back bone of Australia’s economy – it also has the potential to attract high-quality doctors and teachers to regional areas,’ Mr Bjelke-Petersen said. “By providing tax breaks in areas that are disadvantaged or hurting, zonal taxation will stimulate population and economic growth in zonal areas, allowing these regions to decentralise and properly develop.” Mr Bjelke-Petersen said the Palmer United Party’s commitment to regional Queensland was evident in the party’s introduction of an Australia Fund in the federal parliament. “The Palmer United Party is the last sentry at the gate for rural Queenslanders who have been forgotten by Campbell Newman and his LNP government,” he said.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 09:51:11 +0000

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