Pamamaraan ng panliligaw ngayOn:) B: May bOyfriend ka na - TopicsExpress


Pamamaraan ng panliligaw ngayOn:) B: May bOyfriend ka na ba? G: Wala. I dOnt want tO have a bOyfriend. B: Gen. 2:18 The LOrd GOd said, “It is nOt gOOd fOr the man tO be alOne. I will make a helper sUitable fOr him.” G: BUt I dOnt lOve yOU. B: 1 JOhn 4:8 WhOever dOes nOt lOve dOes nOt knOw GOd, becaUse GOd is lOve. G: BUt hOw can I be sUre na tOtOO ka at hOnest ka sa mga sinasabi mO? B: Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth will pass away, bUt my wOrds will never pass away. G: BUt Im bUsy, wala akOng tym jan B: Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time fOr everything, and a seasOn fOr every activity Under the heavens G: BUt why me? Andami namang iba. B: PrOverbs 31:29 Many wOmen dO nOble things, bUt yOU sUrpass them all. G: BUt what is in me that yOU like? B: SOng Of SOlOmOn 4:7 YOU are altOgether beaUtifUl, my darling; there is nO flaw in yOU G: BUt Im nOt beaUtifUl. B: PrOverbs 31:3O Charm is deceptive, and beaUty is fleeting; bUt a wOman whO fears the LOrd is tO be praised. G: AnO ba gUstO mO mangyari? B: 2 COrinthians 2:4 FOr I wrOte yOU OUt Of great distress and angUish Of heart and with many tears, nOt tO grieve yOU bUt tO let yOU knOw the depth Of my lOve fOr yOU. G: SIGE, SINASAGOT NA KITA. :>
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 08:11:47 +0000

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