Pamberi ne Zanu PF! Grace is denied visa to accompany her 90yr - TopicsExpress


Pamberi ne Zanu PF! Grace is denied visa to accompany her 90yr old husband for the Africa-EU Summit. In his wisdom, or lack of it, the husband decides to spite the EU by refusing to attend the summit. He thinks by refusing to attend the summit he is punishing the EU for disrespecting his wife. But there is more. How does the EU expect the great leader to survive alone in a hotel in Europe without his nurse (read wife)? Dont they realise that at his age and failing health the great leader is in always in desperate need of constant nursing care. These imperialists are heartless. They do not respect our hard won independence and territorial integrity. Zimbabweans voted overwhelmingly for their great revolutionary cadre and disrespecting his wife by denying her the rare opportunity to do shopping in Europe is an act of sabbotage. In any case the First Lady needed to visit Europe so she could tell the world about the desperate predicament of victims of the Tokwe Mukorsi floods. She also intended to persuade all the Zimbabweans in the diaspora to return home since the economy is now growing in leaps and bounds thanks to Zimasset. These guys are truly wicked. Pamberi ne Zanu PF. No irony intended.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:22:42 +0000

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