Pamela Akuku God is teaching us all that when His Word is - TopicsExpress


Pamela Akuku God is teaching us all that when His Word is preached to us, that word will first go through a process on the INSIDE of us for it to eventually be revealed or manifested on the outside. This is a phase when you are declaring the word you received even though all around you everything is seemingly screaming that this thing you are declaring does not seem real. Your circumstances or people around you will seem to suggest get real and do something. Your natural mind will be working overtime begging for YOU to DO something to change what is happening, BUT you must chose to holdfast to the Word you have received and to your confession of faith with no doubt or wavering. You must hold on to scriptures that always remind you that you know whom you have believed, and are persuaded that he is able, for He will make everything beautiful in its time. The reward of your confession of faith even in the face of opposition and contradiction, does not result in direct (or immediate) manifestation but it ushers you into a place of REST and PEACE that surpasses all human understanding. (This is the point where many people believing God for divine intervention give up, because we think that since we are not seeing immediate results then God is not hearing our prayers). When we get into HIS rest and have HIS peace in the midst of a storm, then we know that HIS Word has entered our inner most being when ALL our trust is in HIM and Him alone. This is the point when we start walking by faith and not by sight. At this point, any contradiction in the physical does not become our basis for spiritual explanation but instead, all our conclusions are informed from the spiritual realm. The bible says in returning and in REST shall you be saved, in quietness and assurance shall be your strength (Isa30:15). We continue standing in faith with you for we know God is able and He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Love you.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:48:53 +0000

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