Pamota - Following the example of Latin America, Africa should - TopicsExpress


Pamota - Following the example of Latin America, Africa should decide to take its true independence is in the hands of Westerners. The African continent is rich in mineral deposits and fertile land, would in fact all the potential to become the first economic power planetary, but it is still oppressed under colonial dome of the great powers of the earth. These are the words of former Brazilian president Lula da Silva, who was last week in Equatorial Guinea for the meeting of the head of states Africans. Lula urged the state chief to open their eyes to what is happening in Africa in recent months, in Libya and Ivory Coast: the interference of France and the united states is a serious threat to African sovereignty and for future generations. During the General Assembly on the role of young Africans a Used Parts session of the meeting theme with the Libyan crisis, Lula has accused African leaders to be greedy, thirsty for power, betray their own country and especially of be servants of the West! rampaging black continent and decimating its sovereignty. The motto of these heads of states being every man for himself, God for all will do far Africa must be a sense of responsibility, humility, dignity and Unity to govern well! criticizing the fact that African leaders who came to power through a coup or the will of Western powers. He then criticized and denounced the monopoly of 5 countries. adding that the African Union has 1.4 billion inhabitants, Latin America 400 000 inhabitants and it is inconceivable that the U.S., France, China, Russia and Britain dictate the law the Security Council of the UN!! especially as the global crisis ecomìnomique from usa. And he deplored the fact that the African Union is financed by only 5 African countries and the rest by Western donations. Consequently, for this, the AU can not do the interests of Africa and have a weight international level. It is this meme AU legitimate the coups, rebellions or illegal activities to obtain power in Africa, ignoring the will of the people and the purpose of elections. Many heads of states were present in the lower head which he reiterated the French invasion in the dark continent! France and feeds the weapon rebels in countries that have ceased to be their colonies. with interference in the internal affairs of African countries! it is clear the reference to the case of Cote dIvoire, where Paris with the use of force has removed the president Gbagbo to Ouattara in office. If for Cote dIvoire, nothing was done to stop the coup, the African Union may request the immediate cease-fire in Libya. support was added in the president Jacob Zuma, one of the leaders who held opponents head to the west saying they do not have the right to assassinate Gaddafi. A silent shadow in the room where the AU presidents who are the heels of the West were many occurrence Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal who visited Benghazi to recognize the rebel government, Blaise Compaore of Burkina Faso who ha supported the rebellion in Cote dIvoire Ouattara against Gbagbo, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda fighting the Al Shabaab in Somalia, Paul Kagame of Rwanda rampage on behalf of the West and Sassou Nguesso and Congo Brazzaville, Idriss Deby of Chad, Paul Biya of Cameroon, Togo Faure Gnassingbe of, Odinba Ali Bongo of Gabon and the last recruited which is added to the dependence of the powers of oppression is Alassane Ouattara of Ivory Coast!
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 10:57:10 +0000

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