Pan African Radio 105.1FM ‘All People, Proud and - TopicsExpress


Pan African Radio 105.1FM ‘All People, Proud and Free!!! Wednesday September 18th 2013 Good morning and welcome to Pan African Radio Debate with me Victor Malambo We are still looking at the state of the nation and to help us discussing this important subject I have Mr Bowman Lusambo, a youth activist in the MMD and Civic leader, Mary Tembo-Mhango Before we go into details of the subject how you do rate the performance of the Patriotic Front (PF) 2 years in power? 1. Back to our subject this morning, what is the state of the nation according to you? 2. Mr Lusambo the party suspended you for gross misconduct, what is your view on that? 3.Are you in support of the MMD presidency despite what happened in the recent past? You were here at Pan African Radio and Radio Phoenix telling off the PF government but also appeared on ZNBC supporting the ruling party-on the same day-when you said MMD would back PF in areas MMD does not field candidates. What is your immediate reaction to critics who brand you as a ‘political chameleon? 4. Madam Mary Tembo-Mhango, are you satisfied with the removal subsidies by the PF government. In general where does that leave the already poor Zambians? 5.What do you expect from parliament as it resumes its seating in parliament next Tuesday 24th September 2013? 6. What is your view on the delayment of the PF to table the Information Bill to parliament? 4. What is your advice to the Patriotic Front (PF) that is currently wrangling over leadership? Who is to blame? 5. Currently, there is an ongoing debate on the judiciary reforms and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Patriotic Front (PF) Wynter Kabimba said acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda can continue executing her functions even as long as five years. Do you concur with a view that it is prudent for Chibesakunda to voluntarily retire? 6. Is Zambia going to see reforms in the public order act under the PF? 7. Secondly, Kabimba argues that the Parliamentary Committee can only advise and that their decision is not make a final decision is not final is our learned Justice Minister trying to be defensive? 8. In your view how can the judiciary perform effectively? 9. Kindly give us a broad picture in an event that the president stops performing their functions and you have an acting Chief Justice. What can transpire in such a scenario? 10. What is your expectation of the ongoing constitution making process? Do you have confidence that the Patriotic Front will deliver a people driven constitution? Will the constitution merely contain the agenda of the PF.? 11. How can government mitigate poverty among children, youths and women? Produced by Fulman Mukobeko derricksinjela.blogspot. com
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 07:58:44 +0000

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