Pan African Radio 105.1FM main News 1730 hours Thursday 14th - TopicsExpress


Pan African Radio 105.1FM main News 1730 hours Thursday 14th November 2013 ======= First, a look at the Headlines………… ======= United Party for National Development (UPND) Leader Hakainde Hichilema says media organizations biased towards the ruling Patriotic Front will not manage to build the image of the party forever. Chingola District Commissioner George Sichula is now telling youths to start farming. Special Investigating Unit (SIU) deputy head Faiek Davids has resigned, with effect from 31 December Cricket still a popular sport says Zambia Cricket Union President Rueben Chama ============= For the main news in details I am Hugh Mpundu This morning, employees at Zambia’s largest financial bank Zanaco Head Office, along Cairo Road in Lusaka dashed for safety after a fire scare. Pan African Radio 105.1FM Journalists Ashton Kelly Bunda and Lwendo Kunda found panting workers standing at a distance, as security personnel verified information after a fire alarm alerted staff. After a while, calm returned and the workers resumed work and by Press Time, the situation had normalized ======= Commenting on the performance and working culture of Ministers in Zambia, a Lusaka resident Mwansa says some Ministers are hard working while others Ministers just not good at all and spend time doing nothing. Speaking during a Pan African Peoples debate program with the topic “The Performance of Ministers in the Patriotic Front (PF) Government”, Mr. Mwansa singled out Minister of Youth, Sport Chishimba Kambwili for being a hardworking Minister in President Michael Chilufya Sata’s Government. Cue in………………..Caller 1) ========= The young African leader Initiative (YALI) has charged that the directive by government to the technical committee to only print 10 copies is against the terms and references of the technical committee. YALI Governance advisor Isaac Mwanza observed that the directive by Justice Minster to the technical committee to print just 10 copies for authorities are retrogressive and tantamount to undemocratic tenants. Mwanza says that the PF promised the Zambian populace that the public will validate the final draft by submitting the draft simultaneously to the President and the public. The (YALI) Governance Advisor however implored the constitution technical committee to print as many copies so that the public can validate the constitution. Mwanza has since asked the technical committee to ensure that they stick o the terms and reference by ignoring calls to only have 10 copies but instead print many. CUE ………………………..MWANZA (1bytes) ======== Public Health Specialist Dr Canisius Banda has hinted that prolonged bilharzia can cause cancer of the cervix. Speaking during a Pan African Radio Health Chat Programme anchored by Sarah Thaha, Dr Banda a former Ministry of Health Spokesperson said bilharzia needs quick curing because it turns into cancer if left unchecked. Bilharzia is caused by worms in the water and is dictated through urine in the blood. In another Development, Dr Banda who is United Party for National Development (UPND) vice President for political affairs says corruption is like a cancer which cannot be tolerated. Cue in …………..Dr Banda 1Byte) And Dr Banda has demanded that the ballot papers for the by elections be printed locally to avoid corruption. Dr Banda said this would also empower local printers such as Government printers. ===== Alliance for Better Zambia President father Bwalya says the ruling Patriotic is showing double standards by letting the by-elections to be printed abroad when during campaigns they blamed MMD for not supporting local printing presses Cue in ……….. Father Bwalya 1 United Party for National Development (UPND) Youth Leader Simataa Simataa says any given Republican Constitution is intended to embody themes that not only establish justice as well as secure blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity but to embrace and foster unity among other things. Simataa is now demanding that the government should adhere to and respect the terms of reference under which the Constitution is to be distributed, that it be submitted simultaneously to the public and to the President. Simataa says the young people in the UPND are resolved to sacrifice our freedom for a Zambian people’s Constitution to be righted in a rather timely and appropriate manner. ======== Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba has clarified that there is nothing wrong with the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) collecting Strategic Petroleum Reserve Fund from domestic and commercial consumers. Mr Kabimba said the funds were being collected in line with the ERB Act which mandates it to do so in accordance with the law. Mr Kabimba said this in a ministerial statement yesterday and in response to the Point of Order raised by Jack Mwiimbu who wanted to know why the ERB was collecting a levy from consumer on each liter of fuel bought. Kabimba said section 20, Sub section two, Sub section c of the Energy Regulation Act chapter 436 of laws of Zambia gives power to the Board to charge and collect fees in respect of programme seminars and other services provided by the board. ===== United Party for National Development (UPND) Leader Hakainde Hichilema says media organizations biased towards the ruling Patriotic Front will not manage to build the image of the party forever. Mr Hichilema says the media must be more professional and none biased when reporting on issues affecting the nation if the people are to know the truth. Hichilema says it is unfortunate that some media institutions have sunk so low and completely down away with journalism ethics by openly supporting the ruling party. Mr Hichilema says the ruling PF can only build their image by doing the right thing for the people who vote them in office and not relying on media houses to build their image. ========= Open Society Foundation (OSF) has appointed Mr. Wilbroad Kangala as Board Member and will also serve as Regional Coordinator for the Northern Region (Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces). Open Society Foundation Executive Director Sunday Chanda says Mr. Kangala is based in Mansa, Luapula OSF will in the following weeks announce its Regional Coordinators for Copperbelt/North-Western Region; Southern/Western Region; Eastern Region and Lusaka/Central Region. Chanda says regional coordinators are tasked with consolidating a truly representative national opinion on matters pertinent to the nation, in line with OSF’s strategic plan 2013-2018. ====== In Education News ====== In an inspiring circumstance, a Traditional Ruler in the Central Province of Zambia has sent his wife Exhildah at the age of 43 back to school. Senior Chief Shakumbila whose Chiefdom is about 50 kilometers from the Zambian capital, Lusaka has enrolled his wife in Grade Nine. It was revealed when Central Province Permanent Secretary Edwidge Mutale visited the Chief this week. The Chief told the Permanent Secretary that his wife was at school preparing for Grade Nine examinations which starts this month, November. Chief Shakumbila of the Soli people explained he wanted his wife as a mother of the community in the chiefdom to be able to handle all occasions in his absence as she will be able to speak and write in English. He said it would be unfair for his wife to be using interpreters when visitors who do not understand the local language visit his palace in his absence. The Senior Chief informed the Permanent Secretary that there are a number of programmes such as campaign against early marriages which his wife is planning to embark on saying this can be enhanced if she is able to read and right. Mrs Shakumbila was later seen clad in Shakumbila Primary School uniform while driving a Mercedes Benz car. Mrs Shakumbila’s courageous and determined desire to learn has cheered Central Province Permanent Secretary, Edwidge Mutale, who described the move as worth emulating. Speaking at the palace, Ms Mutale, a gender activist herself applauded both Chief Shakumbila and his wife for acting as practical role models in popularizing the importance of education. The Permanent Secretary wished Chief Shakumbila’s wife the best of luck at school during the November 2013 Grade Nine examinations. ======= Police in Kalulushi have arrested a grade nine pupil found with pre-written examination answer sheets during an examination. Police sources in Kitwe said interview in Kalulushi that Wisford Chikoma, a grade nine pupil is in police custody to help with investigations. Police sources said Chikoma, a grade nine pupil at Chavuma primary school of house number 46 Lalafuta road was found with a pre written answer sheet for Civics examination paper. ========= Former Education Minister Dr Brian Chituwo holds a view that ineffective close monitoring and supervision of schools by the Ministry of Education has led to malpractices. Dr Chituwo said the work of the Ministry of Education at all level is to monitor, supervise and ensure that all schools receive correct and adequate teaching and learning material to avoid cheating during examinations. Meanwhile, Rise and Shine Destiny Learning Centre Managing Director, Sir Milion Kambuli Junior says education is a right and teachers in collaboration with the Zambian government must provide effective learning environments as an effective watchdog against malpractices and mentorship. Sir Kambuli Junior, an educationist and economist further said teachers must also be serious with improving themselves in education and finding new ways of approaching teaching because our problem as Zambia is not only the shortage of teachers but also lack of determined and born teachers. Alluding to South Africa, were South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) has a Learn platform, Sir Million Kambuli Junior appealed to Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) Director General Chibamba Kanyama to transform TV2 into a fully fledged learning television channel. Making reference to his practical abilities, Kambuli Junior says he has produced audio and visual learning tools meant to create a classroom environment wherever a pupil or prospective student is. In addition, Sir Million Kambuli Junior is currently involved in the production team of Pan African Radio 105.1FM bi-weekly Children in Development (Child), aired every Tuesday and Saturday between 10:00 hours and 11:00 hours, sponsored by the Ministry of Gender and Child Development in collaboration with the United Nations System in Zambia. ======== In Business News ====== A close analysis of local investors mainly characterized by small and medium enterprises, reveals that the Zambian economy continues to be vulnerable with very few Zambians sharing the leadership of large-scale enterprises. In an effort to boost the dignity of our economy, The Institute for the Study of Human Dignity and Economic Freedom (ISHDEF) has provided a platform for the SMEs and employees across the nation to come to a meeting to be held on the 30th November 2013 in Lusaka at the National Sports Development Center. The aim of the meeting is to challenge Zambians to put their resources together and compete with other large-scale investors from outside if we want to see the dignity of the economy fully restored. In the morning the attendees will be educated in the nature of this company and its benefit to the shareholders. In the afternoon we will proceed with deliberations on the formation of the company. Law enforcers will be in attendance to help people gain the trust this future company needs to success and the Bank of Zambia, the Anti Corruption Commission, the Drug Enforcement Commission and the Police to name but four have been invited to share experiences. And in an interview with Pan African Radio 105.1FM journalist Ashton Kelly Bunda, Institute for the Study of Human Dignity and Economic Freedom (ISHDEF) Executive Director Chanshi Chanda says age does not matter for one to excel as an entrepreneur. Chanda says the legacy of the Zambian education system which emphasis on children becoming employees is to blame for the apparent domination of the economy by foreign investors. Chanda says talking investment and entrepreneurship at breakfast, lunch and supper will restore dignity to the Zambian economy including the much-publicised more more and jobs for young people. Cue …………….Chanshi Chanda 2Bytes) =========== Kapiri Glass Factory is set to reopen its operations in July next year under a new local investor Chimsoro Milling Company Limited. This follows the recapitalization and re-investment into latest machinery and technology at the once defunct company and will operate under a new name called Kapiri Glass Manufacturing (KGM) Limited. And KGM General Manager, Sunil Malik said the equipment is currently being installed at the factory to replace the obsolete one will enable the company produce over 75 tons of glass per day. Malik said this translates into 21,000 tons of glass per annum or 20 million bottles per year and that the glass factory will create employment to over 200 local people once fully operational. Malik boasted that glass manufacturing machinery and furnaces has been sourced from Technical Partners Glass Services of Italy and Emhart Engineering of Germany. According to Malik, there is huge demand of bottles and glass products locally and internationally with Kapiri Glass Manufacturing having already secured business deals to supply bottles to Zambian Breweries, Pepsi and SAB Millers of South Africa. ========= Chingola District Commissioner George Sichula is now telling youths to start farming. Sichula urges Zambian youths to broaden their career selection. Sichula said instead of depending only on mining, youths should take keen interest other economic ventures such as agriculture. ======== Sichula said unemployed youths should look at agriculture as another source of jobs. He said mining is no longer dependable, saying that Zambians should be innovative and think outside the box. And some youths complained that they find it difficult to get jobs in the mine, adding that there was rampant corruption in the recruitment of workers in some mining firms. Just recently Konkola Copper Mines, Zambia giant mining firm announced that it is laying off over 1500 of its workers. ====== Break, this News Bulletin is brought to you by TRONIC Zambia Limited, the electronic appliances and working tools giant in Zambia. Keep listening and join us for International and Sports News on the other side. =========== In international news Two brothers, one a lawyer and another baker, have been acquitted of involvement in one of the South Africas biggest armed heists involving R100m, The Star reported on Thursday. The crime occurred at the OR Tambo International Airport almost eight years ago. Cape Town lawyer Rooshdeen Rudolph and his brother Shaheed were facing several charges including attempted murder and robbery related to the 2006 heist. The brothers were implicated in a 25 March 2006 robbery at the then Johannesburg International Airport but have since been acquitted by the South Gauteng High Court sitting in Palm Ridge. ============ David Cameron has been warned by the Sri Lankan government not to quiz them over alleged war crimes in 2009. The prime minister has rejected calls to boycott a Commonwealth summit in the country, but the Sri Lankans said he had no right to bring it up as he had not been invited on that basis. Mr Cameron is also holding trade talks with his Indian counterpart, Manmohan Singh and prime ministers of Canada and Mauritius, who are staying away in protest over allegations that the regime of Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaska carried out war crimes at the end of a civil war with Tamil separatists four years ago. ======== Special Investigating Unit (SIU) deputy head Faiek Davids has resigned, with effect from 31 December. Former SIU boss Willie Hofmeyr fired Davids in 2010, reportedly citing incompatibility and loss of trust and confidence. Hofmeyr noted a systematic breakdown following the discovery of the so-called spy tapes that led to corruption charges against President Jacob Zuma being withdrawn in 2009. The matter went to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and the Labour Court. The SIU announced his reinstatement in May this year, with effect from.========== For more international news we monitored the BBC ======== Sports news Mufulira Wanderers caretaker coach Moses Kashimoto is relieved that finally mighty have escaped demotion after enduring a forgettable 2013 Division One North campaign. Wanderers’ survived relegation over the weekend after the four demotion slots in Division One North were field by Kalewa, Mumbwa Medics, Mansa Health Stars and Bresmar United. Kashimoto said surviving demotion was a huge challenge for the Shinde outfit. With one game to spare, Wanderers are 13th on the 18-team table with 36 points from 33 matches. The nine-time FAZ Super League champions have so far recorded seven wins, 15 draws and 11 loses. Mighty first suffered demotion in 2002 before a making a brief return to the topflight league in 2005 and were relegated the same year. ======== SPORTS Zambia cricket union president Reuben Chanda says cricket is still a popular sport in Zambia and in they deny that it is a miner sport. Zambia is an associate member of (ICC) International Cricket Union Mr. Chanda said he is proud of what the executive members have achieved by extending the in Northwestern Province, Kasama and has captured 17 schools in the Eastern province. He said the cricket awareness mission that took place from 21 October-23 October 2013 has introduced cricket to the Southern Province and the Northwestern Province of Solwezi School participated in the Mini cricket tournament on the Copperbelt. Mr. Chanda has equally congratulated the newly appointed National Sports Council of Zambia Board led by Mr. Mwamba Kalenga and he vowed to work in tandem with them. Cue in Mr. Chama has appealed to the cooperate World to partner with the Zambia Cricket Union to Develop cricket to a higher level. Cue in…………………. Rueben Chanda 1Byte) ======= We now come to the end of the news but before we do that a take a look at stories that made headlines……. ======= United Party for National Development (UPND) Leader Hakainde Hichilema says media organizations biased towards the ruling Patriotic Front will not manage to build the image of the party forever. Chingola District Commissioner George Sichula is now telling youths to start farming. A US aircraft carrier and its escort of two cruisers are due to arrive off the Philippines to help communities devastated by Typhoon Haiyan Cricket still a popular sport says Zambia Cricket Union President Rueben Chama. ======= This News Bulletin was prepared by Jeane Lwendo Kunda, Ashton Kelly Bunda, Curtis Lumingu, News Editor Fulman Mukobeko and Executive Producer Derrick Sinjela. Join us with the 17:30 hours Main News and 07:30 hours main News in the morning, this has been Hugh Mpundu. derricksinjela.blogspot
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:42:12 +0000

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