Panchayat Election 2013 Who conducted Panchayat Election 2013? - TopicsExpress


Panchayat Election 2013 Who conducted Panchayat Election 2013? The question may not be as absurd as it appears to be, assert a section of politicians .There‘s a misconception about it in the minds of the people which, according to them, needs to be disillusioned. It was actually conducted by the State Government while the SEC ,like a puppet, was allowed to go through the motions of meeting the Governor , seeking orders from High Court and Supreme Court to establish its supremacy in the field of holding State election in a willful manner .The decisions were given full run by the Government in public for show but actually they were torn to shreds by IAS/IPS officers and the whole administration down to the last policeman who placed loyalty to the ruler above law . When at last the Central forces came at the requisition of the SEC to help conduct the election in free and fair manner, they were seen, not at spots of continuing violence or where the voters needed their help to vote , but at tea shops enjoying their cuppa or appreciating President’s house or such ,courtesy Government’s ingenuity . The police were perfectly happy with the intimidation and rigging done by the TMC in front of them in polling booths for this was what was their duty .When Ambikesh Mahapatra and Shiladitya could be sent to jail for innocent remarks the loaded thunders of “burn down houses of independents “and “bomb police” bring fire-spitting orator closer ironically to the power-that-be in a dramatic change. The bottom-line is everything depends on the interpretation of the CM who is both the judge and the executing authority in the State. Mamata brand democracy excludes Opposition . No writ runs here, apparently not even the courts’,except that of the CM’s. Such massive overruling of the SEC was never witnessed earlier. Even inside the counting centres force and rigging was used, it is reported, at the time of declaration of results. The tail piece is no less amusing: Mamata Banerjee says : Let there be peace now.That the meaning of it is quite the opposite does not need elaboration
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 06:58:10 +0000

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