Pancolitis: Pancolitis – Causes, Symptoms and - TopicsExpress


Pancolitis: Pancolitis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Pancolitis is also very commonly known as ulcerative colitis and this is basically an idiopathic chronic inflammatory disorder mainly of colon and the rectum and in this problem the colon is thickened completely. In order words Pancolitis can be said, that it is a kind of inflammatory disorder and so this disorder is responsible for actually affecting the entire lining of the colon as a matter of fact and sometimes this disorder also spreads throughout the entire large intestine and thus so it actually results in spoiling the case of the individual as such. This disorder is also responsible for actually affecting the inner lining of the rectum and sometimes it also affects the lower sections of the colon. A continuous irritation which happens along the length of colon basically also results in this particular disorder. What causes Pancolitis? In spite of the various researches done in this field, the exact cause for this disorder is still unknown. But nevertheless as it is claimed by the physicians, that there is not one factor responsible for Pancolitis but instead on the other hand, there several factors which are held responsible for this kind of disorder. For example if an individual feels that he basically has an abnormal immune system, then in such a circumstance the chances are very bright, that the person might be suffering from the disease Pancolitis, because it is very clearly stated by the doctors that the immune reaction is basically caused by either an overreaction which is caused by may be a virus or a bacteria, either of these two can actually be held responsible for the same. But every individual basically has different symptoms like some of the individual who suffer from the problem of stress, such people can be diagnosed from this problem of Pancolitis as such. The other causes which are responsible for Pancolitis are autoimmune phenomenon, genectic susceptibility, smoking, the other environmental factors and the immune mediated phenomena. Some of the common symptoms of Pancolitis: Every individual suffering from the problem of Pancolitis basically have different symptoms. So the symptoms are generally very individual specific. We will be discussing some of the very common symptoms of Pancolitis like the person suffering from this problem sometimes feels abdominal cramps and pain which is then actually followed by the diarrhea. Also depending upon how severe the problem is in the individual, some of the individuals suffering from this disorder may also feel the symptoms like fatigue, dehydration and also weight loss. Some of the individuals also experience continuous rectal bleeding which can sometimes be with or without mucus. The other symptoms can be iritis erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, sacroilitis, episcleritis, aphthous ulcers. Treatment of the disorder Pancolitis: There are various methods by which this disorder can be treated and some of these treatments we will discuss below in this article. But before you start the treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor and also if possible take a second opinion. Treatment of Pancolitis is indeed a complex procedure and it also depends on various factors like the type, duration and also the severity of the symptoms in the individual as such. Some of the main treatments include the smoking cessation and so in this treatment the patient is actually administered orally and so this also depends upon the site of the disease as such. The symptomatic treatment is also very beneficial for these disease .The corticosteroids is infact used to control the active inflammation and it also helps in maintaining the remission limited which is indeed important. Also some of the disease modifying treatment also includes Infliximab and this treatment is beneficial for severe ulcerative colitis unresponsive to actually the conventional therapy. Some of the antibiotics also have a limited but an important role to play in the ulcerative colitis but at the same time, they can also be responsible for averting the life threatening sepsis which is mainly associated with the severe colitis. The dietary treatment includes the Parenteral nutrition and so this is indeed very beneficial for the severe disease in mainly the children’s .It is in fact very important that the parental B12 supplementation must be given to the patients who are basically suffering from the disease of terminal ileum. Not only this, the psychological support which is basically a result of this chronic disorder can be debilitating physically and mentally. Also secondly the surgical care which is mainly indicated for persistent disease despite the high dose of steroid therapy and also the fistulae unresponsive to medical management as a matter of fact. During the treatment of this disease, some of the very important preventive measures are also taken. Some of the patients who are basically suffering from moderate manifestations can very easily control this disease ,by simply taking care of the food habits and taking the right food which does not worsen the condition of the patient. Some of the food items which should be avoided during this disorder include caffeine containing beverages, dairy products, lactose, spicy food, gas forming foods etc. If the patient realizes the importance of taking the right food, he will definitely notice an improvement in his health condition for sure. But to have a control on the food habits, one should have lot of determination. Fiber supplements are indeed necessary in order to control this disorder to some extend as the fiber helps to decrease diarrhea and other rectal symptoms. Sometimes the antibiotics are also given, in order to avoid sepsis which is actually associated with severe colitis. However some of the cases of Pancolitis are non fatal, but still this disease cannot be taken lightly. All the possible measures should be taken in order to cure this disease completely and by giving the patient the right treatment timely. Because sometimes this disease can get very serious and can even lead to death of the individual. So proper attention should be given to the treatment of the patient and this disease should not be taken lightly. بةهمةن حامد مجيد بةرستارى زانكويى _بسبورى لة بةشى جاوديرى وورد ICU Nurse 28.6.2014 دووبارة 14.12.2014
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 09:50:40 +0000

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