Papppy Js Pondering Points: 141019 - Ps 42:5b.....Hope in God; - TopicsExpress


Papppy Js Pondering Points: 141019 - Ps 42:5b.....Hope in God; For I shall again Praise Him, my Salvation and my God.....A Blessed Sonday to you and yours. Yesterday, Cindy and I took a drive to see the Colors of Fall, and to pop-over to visit with Chuck and Yvonna Wolfe (Cindys Brother and Sis-in-Law). I thank The Lord for this POW today as He has made the connection between yesterdays drive and visit to this section of Scripture. Yvonna is recovering from a procedure she recently endured, still has some therapy to go before total remission will be reached. BUT (Behold the Underlying Truth) her Faith in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is such a Joy to witness. As we drove over, seeing the beautiul reds, oranges, rusty browns, intermixed with the yellows and greens of the Fall leaves, all reflecting the Work of the Master Creator as He again Paints the canvas of our Lives with His Beauty and Glory. So easy to see His Creation awaiting The Day He finalizes His Return, which guarantees the Rebirth of All His Handiwork. The connection between the two, that is Yvonna and the Fall Colors? Thanks for asking - BOTH Yvonna and Creation are FOCUSED on HOPE. Rom 8:24-25 sums it up better than any words I can sling together - (Rom 8:24-25).....For in this Hope we were Saved. Now Hope that is seen is NOT Hope. For who Hopes for what he sees? BUT if we Hope for what we do NOT see, we Wait for It with Patience. That was what I walked away with yesterday from both the Fall Colors, and our visit with Yvonna and Chuck. That would be a renewal of The Hope He has given us. And the encouragement that He is indeed Faithful and True to His Word. Thus my prayer for us this Sonday morning is that the empowerment and encouragement of His Hope would flow all around us. May we wait with patience, by The Spirits Help for that Glorious Day when His Hope will come to total fruition and completion. Lastly may we Reflect His Hope to those of this world who have not yet grabbed ahold of His Salvation. There is yet still time for them to Claim His Hope for their own. As Paul writes to the Roman Believers (Rom 16:25-27).....Now to Him Who is able to strengthen you.....according to the Revelation of The Mystery that was kept secret for long ages, BUT has been Disclosed and through the Prophetic Writings has been made Known to all nations, according to the Command of The Eternal God, to bring about the obedience of Faith - To the Only WIse God be Glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen.: Blessings
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 11:46:13 +0000

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