Pappy Js Pondering Points PROLOG 150122 - Ps 146:1-2....Praise The - TopicsExpress


Pappy Js Pondering Points PROLOG 150122 - Ps 146:1-2....Praise The Lord! Praise The Lord, O my soul! I will Praise The Lord as long as I live; I will Sing Praises to my God while I have being....Team Johnsons current WORD reading plan has is going through the Gospel according to Matthew - fascinating reading indeed - no matter how many times I read The Word, I am always amazed how a verse I know by heart can still, as I read it yet again, say something brand new to me. Todays PJP2 WORD (Matt 16:13-19) describes The Lord Jesus talking with His disciples in regards to asking them Who folks, as well as themselves, say Jesus is. Peter responds with what has been called The Great Confession - more on that in a moment. Then The Lord Jesus, at least as I interpret His Words, lays out the game plan for His Building The Church. FYSA - Saturday (150124) the PJP2 PROLOG will follow-up with a thought on the next section of Matt 16 (vs 21-27)....BUT for today were sticking in this Passage - The first thing that jumps out at me, which is something I have found The Lord does with me as well - He Loves to ask us tough questions. Oh I know, as you read Matt 16:13 and 15, they dont seem that hard: Who do people say The Son of Man is? and BUT what about you? Who do you say I Am? I mean The Lord can be so disarming - He starts out from the broad scope of asking what the masses are saying. Then He drills down a bit closer below our skins surface, to get to the Heart of His Question. Reminds me of the story in one of C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia series where Lucy, one of the children who is able to travel to Narnia, is reading through a Magicians Book of Spells - she finds one that permits her to know what others are thinking (on the surface sounds cool - but, as the story goes along she discovers it aint all it is cracked up to be) - The point that Aslan (The Great Lion, Son of the Emperor Beyond The Sea) makes with Lucy is that we only are to know our own Story. We can hear others Story (which is the polite thing to do by the way) BUT for us to either try to direct their Story, or to hold ill-will towards another due to their Story is not for us to decide. (Luke 6:37-38 deals with this concept nicely/jaj) Aslan is only going to tell us our own Story. The application I see with that idea here is that The Lord really is asking His disciples, and us, not so much what others are saying Who He is, BUT (Behold the Underlying Truth) Who, indeed, do we say He Is. We face the same decision that His disciples faced all those years ago - do we say to Him what we think He wants to hear - or - do we speak honestly and answer the question based on (which is what He is really after) - WHO we believe Him to be? Sorry, I cant answer that for you, that is your Story. I am interested in your Story, really I am - But the only Story I have any real impact on is how His Question is answered in mine. I can honestly say, though as Paul shared in Phil 3:12-16, I know I have not yet attained the fullness of this response - I know that The Lord Jesus, as Peter replied (Matt 16:16)....You are The Christ, The Son of The Living God. Good Old Peter, Im just betting he was about to bust out of his skin to share this Revelation. As Jesus responded, The Heavenly Father is the One that Revealed this to Peter - I know He still does the same for us. As Jesus so often said (Matt 13:43b).....He who has ears, let him hear. Note: In tomorrows PROLOG (150123) I am going to look over Matt 16:17-19 - Im excited to talk about Rocky Johnson......thats a taste of tomorrow. For today, my prayer for us is that The Lord would guide us as He Asks us His Questions that He Asked His Disciples.....Who do people say that I Am?.....Who do you say that I Am?. May we answer from our Hearts. May The Spirits Revelation be Clear. May we have Ears to Hear Him and Eyes to See Him working within us and all around us. May we also ever be a Reflection of His Light of Love, Peace and Mercy. Let me close with Pauls writing (Gal 6:18)....The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit....Amen.....Blessings and Joy to you and yours
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:23:52 +0000

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