Para quem se interessa pelos efeitos económicos e sociais da - TopicsExpress


Para quem se interessa pelos efeitos económicos e sociais da partilha de ficheiros de distribuição não autorizada pelos detentores de direitos, segue a lista de referências bibliográficas essenciais que irão servir de base ao sétimo capítulo da minha tese de doutoramento, Cultura P2P: Uma análise sociológica comparativa das redes e sites de partilha online de músicas, filmes e livros electrónicos em Portugal e no Brasil »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» - Aguiar, Luis e Martens, Bertin (2013). Digital Music Consumption on the Internet: Evidence from Clickstream Data. Sevilha: Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, European Commission Joint Research Centre. - Andersen, B. and Frenz, M. (2008). The impact of music downloads and p2p file-sharing on the purchase of music: A study for industry Canada. Industry Canada, Intellectual Property Policy. - Balázs, B. e Lakatos, Z. (2012). “Theatrical distribution and P2P movie piracy:A survey of P2P networks in Hungary using transactional data.” International Journal of Communication, vol. 6, special section on Piracy Cultures, p. 413-445. - Cammaerts, Bart e Meng, Bingchun (2011). Creative Destruction and Copyright Protection. LSE MPP Policy Brief 1. London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Media and Communications. - Cammaerts, Bart; Mansell, Robin e Meng, Bingchun (2013). Copyright & Creation: A Case for Promoting Inclusive Online Sharing. LSE MPP Policy Brief 9. London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Media and Communications. - Danaher, Brett e Waldfogel, Joel (2012). “Reel Piracy: The Effect of Online Film Piracy on International Box Office Sales”. SSRN Working Paper. ssrn/abstract=1986299. - Dejean, S., Pénard, T., e Suire, R. (2008). Une étude sur les pratiques de consommation de vidéos sur Internet. M@rsouin, Université de Rennes. - Dejean, S. (2009). “What Can We Learn from Empirical Studies About Piracy”. CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 55, nº 2, p. 326-352. - Ewing, S. and Thomas, J. (2012). CCi Digital Futures 2012: The Internet in Australia. Arc Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Swinburne University of Technology. - Filiciak, Miroslaw; Hofmokl, J. e Tarkowski, A. (2012). The Circulations of Culture: On Social Distribution of Content. Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska. - Grassmuck, Volker R. (2010). “File-Sharing as a Social Practice: Do-it-Yourself Access to Knowledge and its Relation to the Formal and Informal Market”. The 3rd Free Culture Research Conference, Free University Berlin, 8 e 9 de Outubro. - HADOPI – Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des oeuvres et la protection des droits sur Internet (2011). Hadopi, biens culturels et usages d’internet: pratiques et perceptions des internautes françaises. - Handke, Christian (2010). The Creative Destruction of Copyright: Innovation in the Record Industry and Digital Copying. Tese de doutoramento. Roterdão: Universidade de Erasmus. https://ssrn/abstract=1630343. - Huygen, A, P. Rutten, S. Huveneers, S. Limonard, J. Poort, J. Leenheer, K. Janssen, N. van Eijk e N. Helberger (2009). “Ups and downs. Economic and cultural effects of file sharing on music, film and games.” TNO report commissioned by the Dutch Ministries of Education, Culture and Science, Economic Affairs and Justice. - IPEA – Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (2012). “Comunicado147 – Download de músicas e filmes no Brasil: Um perfil dos piratas online.” - Karaganis, Joe e Renkema, Lennart (2013). Copy Culture in the US & Germany. The American Assembly, Universidade de Colúmbia. - Liebowitz, S.J. (2007). “How Reliable is the Oberholzer-Gee and Strumpf Paper on File-Sharing?”. Working Paper, Universidade do Texas, Dallas. ssrn/abstract=1014399. - Liebowitz, S.J. (2008). “Testing File-Sharing’s Impact by Examining Record Sales in Cities.” Management Science, vol. 54, nº 4, p. 852-859. https://ssrn/abstract=829245. - Martikainen, E. (2011). Does File-Sharing Reduce DVD Sales?, SSRN Working paper. ssrn/abstract=1742443. - Oberholzer-Gee, F. and Strumpf, K. (2007). The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales: An empirical Analysis. Journal of Political Economy, vol 115, nº1, p. 1-42. - Oberholzer-Gee, F. e Strumpf, K. (2010). File Sharing and Copyright, Journal of Political Economy, versão pré-impressão. https://musicbusinessresearch.files.wordpress/2010/06/paper-felix-oberholzer-gee.pdf. - O´Leary, B. (2009). Impact of P2P and Free Distribution on Book Sales, O´Reilly Media. - Peukert, Christian; Claussen, Jörg e Kretschmer, Tobias (2013) “Piracy and Movie Revenues: Evidence from Megaupload: A Tale of the Long Tail?”. SSRN Working Paper. ssrn/abstract=2176246. - Rob, Rafael e Waldfogel, Joel (2006). “Piracy on the High Cs: Music Downloading, Sales Displacement, and Social Welfare in a Sample of College Students”. Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 49, nº 1, p. 29-62. - Sinnreich, Aram (2014), The Piracy Crusade: How the Music Industry’s War on Sharing Destroys Markets and Erodes Civil Liberties. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press. - Svensson, Måns; Larsson, S. e de Kaminski, M. (2013). “Professionalization, Gender and Anonymity in the Global File Sharing Community”. Em Braga, Roberto e Caruso, Giovanni (eds.). The Piracy Effect: Norme, pratiche e casi di studio. Cinergie. - Tanaka, T. (2004). “Does file sharing reduce music CD sales? – A case of Japan.” Working Paper 05-08, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University. - Tanaka, T. (2011). “Do Illegal Copies of Movies Reduce the Revenue of Legal Products? The case of TV animation in Japan.” Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry. - Tschmuck, P. (2010). “The Economics of Music File Sharing – A Literature Overview.” Vienna Music Business Research Days, University of Music and Performing Arts, Viena, 9-10 de Junho, 2010. musikwirtschaftsforschung.files.wordpress/2010/06/tschmuck-the-economics-of-file-sharing-end.doc. - U.S. Government Accountability Office (2010). “Intellectual Property. Observations on Efforts to Quantify the Economic Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods”. - Waldfogel, Joel (2010). “Music file sharing and sales displacement in the iTunes era”. Information Economics and Policy, vol. 22, nº 4, p. 306-314.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 18:34:02 +0000

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