Parable of the Sower: part 4 It is essential to note: The - TopicsExpress


Parable of the Sower: part 4 It is essential to note: The Bible speaks of the doctrines of men, the doctrines of the devil and the doctrine [singular] of God. Some people say “doctrine” is not important. However ‘doctrine’ is “teaching”. The teachings of man. The teachings of the devil. The teaching of God. The teaching or doctrine of God is very important, we were born again only by receiving the teaching or doctrine of God concerning our “salvation”. God’s doctrine or teaching on “salvation” was exact, precise and correct. There are many different doctrines or teachings of men and of the devil floating around but none of these can produce eternal “salvation”, as our “salvation” only comes through Jesus Christ. So it is in every other area of life; only the exact, precise, correct teaching of God, received, believed and acted upon will release the power of God bringing forth a manifestation of the life that is in “The Seed.” At a later date we will explore together from the Scriptures the affect that wrong doctrine or wrong teaching will have upon us. Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision [redemptive revelation of The Word of God ---Amplified] the people perish [let something slip through your fingers by ignoring an opportunity] BUT he that keepeth the law, happy [blessed] is he. The Hebrew word for “vision” is translated as a mental vision, a dream, an oracle, a revelation or a prophesy. The word “law” comes from the Hebrew word “torah” which means; instruction, doctrine, precepts or statutes. When we have a revelation of what we have been redeemed from and when we stay “fully persuaded”, we don’t let The Word slip through our fingers by ignoring it and ignoring the opportunity for victory but we keep The Word, [guard it like a shepherd guarding his sheep] we shall be happy. [blessed] When we have a redemptive revelation of The Word of God and we have kept it, protected it and guarded it, it has brought forth and produce fruit in our lives. THE LUKE AND JAMES CONNECTION In the light of what we have studied from Luke 8-13, we will take a look at James 1:2-4. Luke says that they receive The Word with “joy” and they “believe” it for while. In other words, they were “fully persuaded”. How long for? “For a while”. Till when were they “fully persuaded”? Till “temptation” came. Remember they did not have a depth of knowledge to know how to continue in “faith”. In James 1:3 we read the words “the trying of your faith”. James is saying that the temptation comes to try that which we are “fully persuaded” about, which is our “faith”. The things that we have heard from The Word of God that we already “believe”; as in Luke 8:13. If we have a depth of knowledge to know what to do during the “temptation” and we walk accordingly, we will see God’s power manifest on our behalf. JAMES GIVES US INSTRUCTION James gives some instruction as to what to do when “temptation” comes. He says, to “count it all joy”. Definition of the word “count” [Vines] “lead before our mind joy”. James also tells us that “patience” should be at work in our lives. “Patience” in this text is the Greek word “ hupomone”: Meaning; endurance, steadfastness, it is the quality that does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial. This is the proof that we are staying “fully persuaded” during the temptation. We all need to have an honest look at ourselves when we are faced with “temptation”. Are we wavering to and fro, have we moved into fear or doubt, have we taken the care, have we begun to reason OR are we standing with the same firm persuasion, steadfast and immovable that we had before the temptation. A good indication is to listen to our speech and look at our own actions. The opposite to the word “hupomone’ is “despondency”. If we find ourselves despondent, it is a sure sign that we have moved out of “faith”. If we find that we have slipped in what we were fully persuaded about we don’t need to be discouraged. We need to stop and quiet ourselves in the Presence of God and begin to look afresh at those things that we have believed, begin to meditate on them once again and renew our minds afresh with The Word of God. The same Greek word for “temptation” used in Luke 8-13 is the same Greek word used in James 1:2. “peirasmos” —a trial for the purpose of causing one to fall. James1:2-4 2 My brethren count [lead before the mind] it all joy when you fall [are surrounded by] into divers [various] temptations. 3 Knowing this, that the trying [the proof] of your faith worketh [brings to completion] patience [steadfastness - the quality that does not succumb to temptation, tests or trials] Note: It does not mean to: “Just put up with the things that are happening”. 4 But let patience [steadfastness] have her perfect work [fully developed, mature work] that you may be perfect, entire wanting nothing. [All parts sound, perfect, wanting nothing for its completeness, bodily, mental and moral entireness. It expresses the perfection of man before the fall] The enemy, the tempter brings along a temptation, test or trial which could be in the form of affliction or persecution for the purpose of trying or proving your “faith” – that which ARE “fully persuaded” about. It may be that the enemy is not just coming at you from one side, James talks about being surrounded by various temptations. The temptation is to tempt you to move from being fully persuaded about The Word of God into care, fear, doubt or reasoning. If we stand steadfast, immovable in what we believe during the temptation then steadfastness is at work and the end result when the temptation is over is that we will stand complete in the victory that Jesus purchased for us at Calvary. This is a beautiful picture of fruit abounding, of someone with a depth of knowledge of The Word working in their life. When surrounded by temptation and when there seems to be no answer outside of God, we lead before our mind joy because we know that what we are fully persuaded about and what we stand steadfast on, not succumbing to the tests, trial or temptations will bring us forth in victory. Verse 2 says: Knowing, [this is something we need to know] that the trying [proof] of our faith, [that which we are fully persuaded about], worketh [brings to completion] patience [steadfastness] We know that when we are fully persuaded, the proof that we are continuing in faith will be that we are standing steadfast, immovable, we have not changed our mind, we are not being tossed to and fro by the things that are happening around about us. We are letting steadfastness have her perfect work bringing to completeness the thing that we are fully persuaded about from The Word of God. If we don’t allow the devil to steal The Word, it remains within us and will produce fruit. Note: The Greek word for “the tempter” is “ ho peirazon”. It is the noun. The tempter is the one responsible for bringing the temptation the, “peirasmos”. 1Thessalonians 3:4-5 4 Paul says: For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and ye know. 5 For this cause, when I could no longer forbear, I sent to know your “faith”, lest by some means the TEMPTER have tempted you, and our labour be in vain. Paul was wanting to know whether they had stayed “fully persuaded” or whether they had got caught in, “the tempter’s trap”. In verse six, Timothy brings Paul good news concerning their “faith” and other things. Reverend Ray Gale raygaleministries/
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 05:38:46 +0000

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