Parable= to compare one thing to something else. Our sermon - TopicsExpress


Parable= to compare one thing to something else. Our sermon yesterday at church was the parable of the four soils, this certain parable is repeated 3 times throughout the Gospels (Matthew 13:1-9 Mark 4:1-9 and Luke 8:4-8) Jesus used this parable because the Israelites were crop growers so it was something they could relate to in daily life. In Matthew it talks about Christ being the sower and the people being the soil but in the others WE are the sower The first soil ( wayside) A farmer went out to sow his seed as he scattered the seed some fell along the the path and birds came and ate it up. Fields back then had paths which farmers took to get to a certain field travelers also took these paths to travel from city to city This soil represents the ones who hear The Word yet do nothing to change their life The second soil ( rocky path) Some fell along the rocky places where it did not have much soil, it sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root While most of the fields were fertile there were places of bedrock that the farmer had not plowed This soil represents the ones who appear to have been changed by The Word but do not live it out, they come to church and participate in everything but after church go back to their normal routine of whatever The third soil (weeds and thorns) Other seed fell among thorns which choked the plant As most of us know there are roots of weeds that are hidden in the soil This soil represents the people who are Christian yet when trial and tribulation come they turn from The Word And lastly The fourth soil (the fertile soil) Still other seed fell on good soil where it produced a crop- a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown, he who has ears let him hear This soil was so rich that it produced crop that was more than any farmer could dream This soil represents those who take The Word and live it daily but realizing they need Christ in their lives to multiply what they sow, for it is not us that changes the heart but it is Christ. Which soil are you?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:49:49 +0000

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