Parama Purusa is Butter Thief Usually the human mind has - TopicsExpress


Parama Purusa is Butter Thief Usually the human mind has different weaknesses and frailties. But as people continue to refine their intellect and perfect their spiritual practices, their minds move upwards through the different kośas (layers): kamamaya, manomaya, atimanasa, vijiṋánamaya and hiranyamaya, resulting in the crude portion of the mind becoming increasingly subtle. Take the case of cream: when churned, its essence (butter) is separated from the non-essential part (whey)...That is why Hari is nicknamed “makhan cor” – the butter thief. It is wrong to take these words literally. Take it for granted that Krśńa never stole the cream or butter from the milkmaids houses. (1) Whatever you think or do in your mind is also internal for Him. He enters your internal world, your mind and you dont know that He has entered i.e., He will steal away your mind and you will not know. A person too wants that Paramátmá should steal away his mind. Therefore I remember to have told you that one of His names is Mákhanacora (Butter thief). Generally one says to God to come to him but actually God is already with him – He is simply unable to see Him...He will steal away the Átman of a person and his mind will not know it, Therefore, He is named Mákhanacora. As the cream is the essence of milk so is the Átman of the body. He steals away the Átman, so He is Mákhanacora. (2) REFERENCES 1. AV-8, The Lord Should Always Be Praised 2. SS-19, Parama Puruśa
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 08:01:13 +0000

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