Paranormal Chapter 1 Janice woke up at 7:00am early and told - TopicsExpress


Paranormal Chapter 1 Janice woke up at 7:00am early and told her mom she was going out. There was no sign of her mother anywhere so was there any sign of her Brother. Janice ignored it and went outside looking around she questioned herself why it was still dark and why the coast was clear even if it pointed 7:00am in her watch and other clocks she went to Annabelles house and rang the doorbell but no one answered. hmm thats strange, Annas parents would usually wake up at like 4:00am. she said to herself. She opened the Door to see of anyone was around but no sign of Anna or her parents. All there was, was left over blood on the floor... Chapter 2 She searched all over the house but only darkness and blood that made Janice extremely scared and Worried about her best friend, Anna. Janice ran out of the house to search for her along the way. It was already 10:00am and the sky was still dark. She wondered why and what was happening. On her way walking home, she saw a black cat...... Chapter 3 The cat meowed to her twice trying to bring her to a haunted house. But she just kicked the cat away making it turn into a ghost. Red piercing eyes and pale white transparent body. That made Janice run away to a dark forest. Hearing not even a SINGLE sound, and Janice knew it was a dangerous forest. Tall trees and wilted Tall grass. She tripped on a log. The log glowed in the dark. It glowed Words saying You will die. As she read it she was starting to shiver and shake in fear. As she was walking to hide from the ghost, she stepped in a puddle of blood. She was grossed out but then realized that it left a trail of blood leading somewhere. She took out her torch and followed it. I cant believe this! she exclaimed to herself. She looked up and saw 1000 dead bodies hung by a rope. what is this shit? she questioned herself again. The only people she saw were her best friends Gwen and Anna, and they were trapped in a huge cage. She called out to them and Anna replied, boy am I glad to see you!.... Chapter 4 Janice got them out but as they were about to free the others, the ghost came back. They both ran into a tiny hut to rest. wait! Said Gwen Ive read a legend that said something about this theory. It happened 100 years ago where this forrest was a beautiful place where animals usually lived. But them one day, a man drowned in the river and his body was never to be found. This theory happens every hundreds of years. And the only way to stop it, is to sacrifice something or someone GOOD and drop it, him or her into the river! Janice knew she had to sacrifice her Sandwich. She hugged and kissed it as if she were a weirdo. Dude, its just a freaking sandwich! Gwen shouted. Its coming! Hurry Jan! Anna Exclaimed. So Jancie dropped her Sandwich, and the whole Forrest turned back to a bright happy place. Animals appeared and made sounds of Joy. The people went back to live and the ghost faded while saying nooooo. Everything was back to normal. But one day..... Chapter 5 The sky was starting to get more cloudy and the animals died again. The ghost was back! As Gwen was just waking up at 6:00am getting ready for school her mother wasnt there. man where could she be she though. Mom, Im of to school! a voice suddenly replied her there is no school little one, everyone is dead once more said the ghost Grinning evilly. Whats going on? And what did you do this time?!! the ghost replied you are chosen to be the first to suffer. I will throw you into the river of soul sharks where they will first attack your heart and internal organs and leave you to die! Since you had the history book, Ill take that! Gwen ran as fast as she could praying that the Ghost would not catch her oh God please help me escape! she banged into Janice who was dead but surprisingly she was standing though she couldnt talk she seemed depressed. Janice! Im here snap out of it! she cried. Janice turned bacl to her asking her, Who are you? How do you know my name and where are my best friends? Gwen was shocked with terror as she asked Janice how she could forget her best friend. Janice slowly faded away making the ground start to shake and she fell down a bottomless hole where she never bang the ground but the ghost was next to her slowly coming nearer and nearer, until he disappeared and, she hit the ground where She banged her head and got an amnesia. Her memory slowly adding away. Gwen! Gwen! Wake up! a voice called put to her name....... Chapter 6 It was Janice. She asked Gwen if she were still alive. Gwen repply. She didnt seem to reply. She was stick in a coma. Janice got angry and shouted at the ghost. why are you doing this?!! she exclaimed. The ghost reappeared looking quite sad. Like a lost soul. its just that, that I lost my family. They died in an aircraft making me orphaned and if my family and I cant survive, then all of you will die! the ghost rushed away and fadded into ashes. I wonder why hes unhappy when his family died 20 years ago. Shouldnt he get over the fact that they are dead? she questioned. not all people are lucky to have a happy family that loves you. a mysterious angle told her. who are you?...... Chapter 7 how rude of me! the Angel said. allow me to introduce myself. I am Angela, the Angel of Waiternan. Janice asked back to her, wheres Waiternan? Angela answered back to her youll find out When you die. It will be a long, long journey. Janice was confused at the same time she trusted Angela. Angela led her to the Ghosts Territory. The ghost saw them coming towards him. He didnt care because he just. Wanted to end his life. Janice said she was sorry because Anglea was going to dispose of him. Angela then put up her hand and sucked his soul in. Angela disappeared and left Janice alone. The rain fell heavily. She ran to find shelter. When she came back everything was back to normal again. I wonder how Gwen is. she wondered. She went back to the place where Gwen was paralyzed but now Gwen was back to normal. She shouted Gwen! Your okay! and the rain contined...... FINNALY!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:34:25 +0000

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