***Paranormal Metrou***(imported post) German submarine UB-65 - TopicsExpress


***Paranormal Metrou***(imported post) German submarine UB-65 Doomed Submarine There exist some incomprehensible and malicious forces in the world oceans which tend to choose certain ships, and after this choice is made, based on the principles unknown to us, those vessels become doomed. That is exactly what happened with the German submarine UB-65 during the World War I. Hardly had they managed to launch her, when a man died and another man was very seriously injured. During her first sailing test, in absolutely normal weather conditions, an old seaman went up on the deck and, without any hesitation… stepped overboard into the water. His body was never to be found. Later, whilst undergoing diving tests, the UB-65 suddenly went out of control, foundered and one of the ballast tanks sprang a leak, leaving the crew without any means of replenishing the air. Water got into the accumulator batteries following which the toxic gas started spreading and filling the inner ship compartments. Repairs took 12 hours, by which time the men were half dead with suffocation. Fortunately, after this long struggle for survival the crew managed to eliminate the defect and eventually surface. On their return to port, the submarine was taking on a supply of torpedoes when one of them exploded, killing the second officer and five seamen and badly damaging the ship, which had to return to the dockyards for repair. The list of catastrophes, which fell to her lot, became longer and longer, but the most terrible one awaited the UB-65 ahead. One day, while patrolling the surface, a petty officer and one crew member reported that “the dead officer had just come aboard”. It turned out that they saw a ghost of the 2nd officer standing on the bow, with his arms folded, sadly looking at the ship. Officer Pederson, who happened to see him, gave no rest to the crew members suggesting that the ship was doomed and haunted until the captain threaten to take him to the military tribunal. This threat silenced the officer for a while, but soon, on calling the nearest port, he deserted. During her next cruise when the UB-65 surfaced near Portland (port at the north-west of the USA), the ghost with the arms folded appeared at the rostrum once again. The sailor on duty fainted from fear, but his strange apparition was put down to hallucination – not everybody can endure such a lengthy stay in the small cramped compartment under water. On the next day, however, this news was confirmed by the petty officer, who was near when the sailor saw the ghost and kept silence out of fear of incurring the anger of the captain who refused to tolerate any talk of ghosts, threatening the crew with severe penalties if the ghost was even mentioned on board. Maybe, that is why it was the captain with whom a terrible accident happened: when the submarine returned to base, the captain was found on shore with his head cut off. During one of the subsequent cruises, the UB-65 chief torpedo gunner Eberhardt saw the ghost of the second officer at the ship rostrum once again and soon committed a suicide for no apparent reason. After having been sailing for several months, in July 1918, the UB-65 reached the shores of Ireland. She surfaced in order to replenish the air supply… And it was there that the seamen of the Reich were in for a surprise – they spotted an American submarine L-2 within the field of clear vision. The German submariners began preparations for an attack and, all of a sudden, an explosion set off on the UB-65 board. Later the captain of the American submarine wrote in his report that when the enemy submarine began to sink he saw on her rostrum the phantom of a frozen person with his arms folded. That day all 34 members of the UB-65 crew died.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 01:36:10 +0000

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