Paranormal events are alleged phenomena that are not subject to - TopicsExpress


Paranormal events are alleged phenomena that are not subject to scientific or rational explanation. The world of the Supernatural is the arena of astrology, the paranormal, UFOs, clairvoyance, faith healing, spirits, near death experiences, witchcraft, dowsing, reincarnation: An endless list of man’s excursion into the world of irrationality, flimflam, and superstition. Gullible people will embrace anything that will seemingly satisfy this security instinct, no matter how far-fetched. The charlatans of the supernatural then exploit this intellectual deficiency. The human emotional need for religion and the paranormal is rooted in insecurity and the fear of uncertainty. Life is inherently uncertain. Wild flights of fancy into the land of mirages does not make it less so.. The arena of the paranormal is very attractive to many persons, practitioners and followers alike, because real science can be difficult to pursue and places demands on the rational mind. Real science requires hard evidence, demonstrable repeatability and logical thought processes. Pseudo-science takes the easy route in explaining the complexities of human existence. Pseudo-science disregards any need for independent proof. Pseudo-science is easier to invent and to understand because it replaces facts and logic with flimflam, flights of fancy, and wishful thinking. The world of the paranormal is the world of things that go thump in the night, fantastic stories addressed to intellectually challenged minds. The supernatural is an arena where there is no need to prove anything; it is a world without objective evidence. The Paranormal has only one design: To deceive and to prey on the gullible. Religion and the domain of the supernatural suffer from identical problems: Claims not supported by evidence. If we choose to accept something as true that science had already established as false, we do so at the peril of losing predictability in our endeavor to achieve desired results, including our quest for enduring happiness. No claims for supernatural events have ever survived objective examination. If a person still wants to believe in the paranormal, he must do so at his own peril. He must realize that it is not a harmless pastime. The acceptance of the Supernatural is an act of dishonesty to oneself. We cannot achieve alignment with Objective Reality, and thus provide for lasting happiness, if we base our actions and expectations on the reliance on apparitions that clearly do not exist in Objective Reality.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:29:10 +0000

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